Published Mar 6, 2005
306 Posts
The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario is ticked with Richard Branson because of his latest Virgin Mobile ads and recent publicity stunt in Toronto which features nurses in high heels, short shirts and a cap. I originally found the article in the Toronto Star and have included the link to the RNAO's version below.
I'm having a hard time justifying their reaction even though I don't like the image of Media-star nurses. I don't think it will be as damaging to nurses in the extent that they are saying.
What do you think? Are they over-reacting or are they justified?
8,343 Posts
I saw one of their carboard "nurse" figures yesterday outside London Drugs. Cap, short dress with ample cleavage and highheeled white knee boots.
I actually found it offensive, more so than the dancing nurses that a radio station had last year prancing about to a kylie minogue tune. (that was funny with the males all muscly and the females weren't offensive, you could actually see those women as nurses). The Virgin babe looks like she has a career in adult films.
My sons just laughed and said "never seen you go to work like that Mum!"
Maybe offensive is the right word, at first I thought tasteless, but what the heck the average age of a nurse in Canada is in her mid 40's and if the patient wants a woman that age in that outfit, well we'll either shorten their stays or need to find the crash carts in a hurry...:rotfl:
515 Posts
I saw footage of him on Canada AM with his "nurses". He picked one up, and her crotch, etc, was hanging out. I was horrified, and I'm a guy!
I pretty much despise the guy and anything he's selling, now.
The website for Virgin mobile has a contact section. Just left my opinion of the current ads and how Virgin would be the last cellphone provider I would consider.
The home page only has a giant pill bottle on it!
I sent an email. It's better than doing nothing.
It's pretty much a fact that the ads are indeed in poor taste. But my question was, do you think those ads are as damaging to nurses as the RNAO says it is? To be perfectly honest, I think their outcry will do more to promote the product than not.
BTW, I did check out the service.....Bell prepaid is a better deal.
It's pretty much a fact that the ads are indeed in poor taste. But my question was, do you think those ads are as damaging to nurses as the RNAO says it is? To be perfectly honest, I think their outcry will do more to promote the product than not.BTW, I did check out the service.....Bell prepaid is a better deal. Laura
I'll have to look into Bell...thanks for the tip!
I don't really jump on these bandwagons unless I have an honest opinion, and this time I was honestly horrified, amazed even. I dropped Virgin a line to let them know how I felt about it all. :)
They probably will get more press out of the whole fiasco.
28 Posts
I feel its more that the company's ads are just offensive in general, not necessarily against nurses. I think they've taken it so far that people won't even associate the "nurses" with real nurses.
I definitely see why people would complain to virgin, but from a standpoint of it being just plain offensive. I think if the complaint is that the ads are degrading to nurses, the complaint will be more likely to be ignored.
just my thoughts....
Just a quick update. The company emailed me an apology - just a canned response.