Just thanks, ER nurses.


I'm not trying to reach the actual nurses who worked on a friend's husband (in fact, I'm going to disguise him slightly), but rather wanted to say, WOW. Thanks for all you do. WOW.

Now the story: A friend's husband is a young guy, whose dad died young of "heart trouble." Guy is thin, but smokes and eats at 7-11 a lot. He had CP a month ago, had it checked out, had a clean stress test, went home. Recently, he had CP that was unrelieved by ASA and I think NTG. They called 911, he flat-lined in the hospital!, needed 10 defibrillator shocks, and rec'd CPR from the nurse for 35 minutes. HE IS GOING TO BE OK.

(Had major blockage, got some stents).

Wow. This is someone I know, and the husband of someone I care about. I can't even imagine working over someone that long (I heard all this second-hand) but thank you. A million times, thank you.

First I would like to say that I am so glad that friends hubby will be fine. I am glad to hear of a positive experience in the ER. We are mostly chastized for being cynical, and uncarring a lot of the times becasue of the way we feel about people using the ER as a PCP and so forth. However, when it is someone critical that is in need of the ER the experience is mostly positive. We rarely get to hear about positive experiences and least often an outcome of the patients that we work so hard on the save their life. I just called the ICU last week to ask about a patient that I worked on for 2 hours in the ER and was told that they were not allowed to tell me becasue of HIPPA! Anyway thanks so much for posting.

Specializes in CT ,ICU,CCU,Tele,ED,Hospice.

i too am glad that the husband is ok .thanks for posting this.lately us er nurses have been taking a "beating" around here.

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