Just started with new HH agency and I have some questions...


I started a new job 2 weeks ago, the agency placed me with a client that is peds. He's 1years old with a Trach, Vent and G tube. I told them when they hired me I have no vent training. They placed me with an lvn to train but she had no vent expertise at all. When I asked her info. Regarding the vent she told me to "look it up on u tube" After 3 days of lack of training, the agency wanted to bring me back to test me on what I knew or lack there of with a vent. I warned them I will probably do terribly and I did. The director blamed me and said I'm not grasping the concept. I told her "no I just didn't have proper training. When I told her that she had an RN bring me in a back room to give me all the answers on the test. I told the supervisor I would like more vent training and she said they ( the client) doesnt have a night time nurse. And had me go to work that same evening. Just a little background info. On my patient, 3 nurses have left this patient in one year. The family doesnt live in the best neighborhood and the shift they want me to work is 3 nights from 11 to 7am with the 4th day from 3pm to 11pm. With the lack of training from this agency and them wanting me to work from 3 to 11 after getting off at 7 am that morning. It will only leave me with 5 hours to sleep ( it takes me 1 1/2 hours to get to work through traffic) what should I tell this agency. The supervisor seems to care more about getting an evening nurse for this family even if I dont have vent training.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Find another agency. This is not safe or ethical.

I agree with what Beachy said unless you want to take responsibility for taking the bull by the horns. Have you met the family or done any shifts with the patient at all? How do you feel about the ability of the parents to back you up? Are they confident, approachable, open to allowing you time to acclimate? What is the make, model of the vent? Get a copy of the owner manual for that vent and go over it with a fine toothed comb. Keep a copy of the page(s) explaining the vent alarms, etc. Locate said manual in the home to read and study all night long. Do a trial shift or two. You may find that you can take on this undertaking and "grow into" the assignment. If you were in my area I could assure you that there is no useful off site vent training. The best vent training you can get is from another nurse. That is where I got my initial vent training. Affirmative answers to some of these questions might allow you to pursue this case at least until a point where you can make an informed decision. Otherwise, say goodbye to the agency and look for a better placement. Good luck.

Oh, and you can always do the 3 nights and refuse to pick up the short turnaround swing shift, or some other combination of shifts. It is never cut in stone that you have to take on all shifts they are trying to offer you. Shifts are filled in a progressive manner with as many nurses as necessary until the case is fully staffed. You aren't obligated to do any more than you are willing to do. For that matter, you could offer to do the swing shift and leave the night shifts for someone else if that is what suits you right now. Up to you.

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