Published Apr 13, 2012
24 Posts
How do you set up a resume when you've been a stay at home parent for a long while? I mean, I have worked in an office, with pregnant teen or single moms in crisis, I've done direct care for the elderly, I've volunteered in the past at foster care homes for the elderly and at a crisis pregnancy center. I've had absolute crap jobs, I've owned my own business. Just not for a long time.
I've spent the last ten years taking care of four children. Upon diagnosis, their specialist asked me to step down from work and dedicate a year or two to getting my kids healthy. I couldn't put them in daycare or preschool, due to their medical conditions. Things got worse for awhile and due to their conditions, I wasn't able to work. So, while I have learned many skills since being a SAHM, I doubt a potential employer will care about them.
Sure, I can spot an infection brewing a mile away, before there are any outward symptoms. I can tell when my kid is becoming neutropenic again, just by the way he is acting. I know what can and can't be mixed together in a nebulizer, and I know how to do lung percussion therapy. I know how to cram calories into snacks and meals for a kid who is FTT. I know what that fruity smelling breath means in a kid who has been puking. I know when asthma is flaring, even before I hear any coughing. I know the physical symptoms to watch for when an infusion rate has been set too fast, and what to do when a child reacts to the infusion, despite having premeds. But how do I wrap that up into a job skill (w/o putting off a potential employer bc my kids have a chronic illness and will likely cause me to miss work?)
What do you say on a resume or in an interview, when you've been "just a mom?"
Genista, BSN, RN
811 Posts
I'm not a resume expert, but I am thinking you should include your time as a SAHM on your resume. Maybe you can highlight some of your unique skills in the cover letter? Your volunteer work would also be great to draw attention to. Focus on any positive skills that may help you land the job. Maybe surf the net and see what other SAHMs have worded on their resumes?
I found this link:
Resume: SAHM Returning To Work After a Gap :
Good luck to you in your job search!