Just got CNA, going for LPN soon, which CNA job for best experience?

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Hello everyone!

I recently passed my CNA exam and was granted licensure by the Florida BON. By the way, I posted previously about my concern regarding background checks. I am a recovering person, sober 9 years, and I had some past troubles. I wanted to share that my offenses fell outside of the guidelines for what the state of Florida will not allow for licensure, or it had been so long it did not matter. I can tell you honestly too, that all of those things were in a past life so far gone I don't even remember the details for most of it. I can say that I do not regret my experiences, I BELIEVE that I will be a better, stronger nurse in many ways as a result. It was all a blessing! And what an incredible day it was for me when my background cleared. I was unable to attend RT school in the past because of my background. 5 years later I am getting another chance. It is an amazing honor and a privilege to be able to have the opportunity to continue pursuing my dreams.

So, now that I have been granted the CNA....what are your recommendations for employment? My intention is to climb the ladder (LPN/RN/BSN/ARNP or PA) and I am starting at 42 years old!!! I have applied for the LPN program, acceptance letter will come any minute. I have a few months to go get my feet wet, what would you all recommend?

I would prefer a setting that would cater more to the lumbar and cervical stenosis that I am currently living with. I know, I know, I'm asking for it going into nursing with those issues but I DO NOT CARE. This is what I want to do. I will need surgery eventually ANYWAY, I am not going to let that stop me. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I am thinking home health would be a better choice, but I am a bit uncomfortable doing home health with no experience at all, I don't know if home health hires with no experience or not. I have read other posts about LTC, I am not crazy about changing incontinent garments 8 times in a 12 hour shift on ONE patient, but if that is what is necessary so be it. I am very personable and hospitable, have more empathy than most people I am told, I know I will do well in LTC, just a bit scared of it.

I guess I am asking, what would you do?

Additionally, has anyone ever heard of someone being granted CNA licensure but not being granted LPN/LVN licensure due to background issues? I am 99% certain the same guidelines apply for all licenses by each states' BON, but anything is possible, too.

All you folks that have worked as a CNA, what was your favorite job? And why?

Also, are there CE hours required for CNA in FL and where do I find that information? I have the BLS certification I was wondering if there were any maintenance items in regard to my license I need to be immediately concerned with.

Thank you in advance, I love this forum/site!!!

Thank you so much to everyone for your insightful responses, everyone had excellent and valuable input, I am very grateful! I think I will look into LTC, I recently learned my orthopedic doc's wife owns a orthopedic home health service, I may apply with her, ortho is something I am interested in. Thank you again everyone!!!!

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