Just an FYI


Website Provides "Matchmaking" Home-Share

Services for Single Moms Nationwide

Offers Relief to Moms Who Raise Children Alone

SANTA MONICA, Calif. - A pioneering website, http://www.Co-abode.com, offers a unique "matchmaking" service to provide single moms the opportunity to house share, while pooling resources and finances with another single mom of their choosing.

Founder of Co-abode.com, Carmel Sullivan, is a single mom who knows the issues single mothers face firsthand. She describes the website as a source of real help for single moms where they need it the most - social support and better living arrangements for their children. "If the 'It takes a village' notion has any credence - as I firmly believe it does - then connecting single moms is the way to make it work," says Sullivan.

Co-abode.com also offers single moms a way to stay in the family home by sharing its expense with another single-mom family. Moms without a home can find an appropriate housemate through the service, enabling them to afford a larger and more comfortable home together.

Since the launch of Co-abode.com earlier this year, the site has expanded nationally to help single moms find compatible housemates in their local area. Communities of like-minded single moms are building neighborly relationships through the Co-abode infrastructure in cities across the country.

"Single moms stagger under the burden of providing for young children without proper financial support from family or social services," says Sullivan. "The very people who could most benefit from a stable emotional support system often go home with their children to an empty house or apartment."

Through Co-abode.com, single moms can find compatible partners in any state to share rent, utilities and food, chores and babysitting. This allows for a higher standard of living than is possible when going it alone.

Members choose housing partners by reading other women's profiles and contacting prospective housemates that appeal to them through the site's secure and anonymous e-mail system. Criteria used to determine compatibility include age, location, number of children, and ability to meet financial requirements like deposits, monthly rent and utility bills. In addition to household matchmaking, the site offers a wealth of resources for cash-strapped parents - moving tips, health and parenting advice, as well a chat room where moms can share the trials and tribulations of day-to-day life.

"For me, there's been a tremendous sense of relief in house sharing with another mom and her child," says San Diego-based Barbara Chatalin, single parent of boys, Tyler, 11, and Kevan, 15. "At the end of the day we get in there together and tackle what has to be done; 'you do the dinner, I'll help the kids get their homework done.' We have a mutual respect and admiration for each other. My kids have a playmate and are easier to manage. I now have more money to spend on them too."

Co-abode.com is offering an introductory membership of $29.99 for three months.

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NOTE TO EDITORS: Carmel Sullivan is available for interviews.

Artwork is available upon request.

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I wishe there had been something out there like this when my kids were growing up....people helping people is always a wonderful thing

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