Just a freakout.


Ok. Phew. I need to just vent a little bit.

I will be graduating in May (Holy cow, it's so soon!) and I'm starting to freak. My meltdown this time? Well, it's about, go figure, getting a job.

The hospital system that I really want to look for had a recruiting event at my school last semester. They own 5 hospitals in my area and said that 4 of the hospitals usually hire 25-30 new grads, and the other hospital usually hires anywhere from 40-50 new grads (It's a huge hospital). They said to check their website and the graduate nurse positions should be posted in December.

December came and went and in the very beginning of January one of the hospitals posted a "Graduate Nurse, weekday" position (a number of openings classified under this particular job), which I jumped on. The position was listed for less than a week so I'm glad I saw it. I applied January 6 and called the nurse recruiter a week later to follow up. She explained that she was waiting for some budget information and had 130 applicants for the position. She said once they received their budget for the year she would be calling people to set up interviews, that it should happen by the end of February. I've been waiting patiently ever since.

The position is still listed as "Open" so I know that they haven't filled it. But I'm starting to get all panicky about the situation. I work in retail right now and I think I'll go insane if I am a RN working in my dumpy job still.

Now, one of the other hospitals in the system posted about 5 GN positions within the past week (I applied for all of them.) I just want to know what the heck happened to all of these other positions they were supposed to be posting in December that disappeared?! Gah, I just hate uncertainty. I hate not having a job lined up. I hate the prospect of having to stay at my god awful job a minute longer than I have to. (I think I'm having this meltdown because my final exam is next week and then I start my mentorship for 5 weeks. The reality of graduating is starting to hit me. Yikes!)

Should I call the hospital I applied for again? I'm tired of clutching my phone in hopes that I don't miss "the call". The recruiter said she'd specifically be calling people. I don't want to pester her. Gah! (Ok. I'm done. I swear.)

I would call to check on your application. All they can do is tell you that things are still up in the air. Good luck.

Specializes in Home Care.

Yes, I'd definitely call to find out what the situation is. I'd also be looking for all over for other nursing jobs.

Yeah, I've applied for tons of jobs at all the local hospitals around here. Haven't heard from any of them. I've called and left messages and they haven't called me back or anything. Unfortunately there was a hospital closing about 2 months ago in the area, so all of those nurses are pretty much given priority. I've applied for pretty much every position listed on every website. This is the only place that actually posted "graduate nurse" positions, though, so I think I have a better chance at this one.

I'd continue to follow-up on a weekly basis. There's so much competition for new grad jobs right now. I'd also never put all my eggs in one basket and hold out for my "perfect job." Take whatever you can get to get your foot in the door. Keep you current retail job until you secure something. It may take several months. And things could be much worse, some people don't have a job at all. You still have income. Keep your chin up and apply everywhere you can. Even apply to nurse positions that don't state "experience required." Sometimes you just might get lucky and get a bite from one of those opportunities, it does happen!

Good luck!

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