Just applied online for Excelsiors!

Nursing Students Online Learning


Even though I won't start until next year I am super stoked! Thanks to everyones great reviews on here, it helped me make my decision! :lol2::lol2::lol2:

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Good Luck To You! They received my transcripts yesterday && I am waiting on my Unofficial review!! Im very anxious & eager to get started! Where are you from?

I just sent mine today, well probably won't go out until Tuesday but that's alright! I'm from Wyoming, originally California but moved here 9 months ago. What about you?

Good luck guys...Im waiting on my transcripts so i can get them mailed in ASAP.

Im currently working 8-5 M-F and going to class at a local College 3 nites a week and I am just to tired to keep this up, so after this semester i am going to go with Excelsior..More convienent and I might even have a little bit of a life.

Specializes in Long Term, Pediatrics.

Good luck everyone! I'm going to apply next week. Can't wait! I've been a LPN for 3.5 yrs so I don't know what took me so long to do it. I'm going to try to give myself a deadline so I can stay on top of it.

Good luck with the EC program!

Good luck everyone! I sent my application two weeks ago as well as my transcripts - just waiting on my review. All the comments on here helped me make my decision as well. We can all be study buddies together! :)

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Study Buddies===Sounds Good!

I am from FL, I am a new mom with an 11 week old, so I figured I would get ahead while he is little and doesn't demand TOO much attention! I am using my place of work as motivation to get my RN..haha!

Study Buddies===Sounds Good!

I am from FL, I am a new mom with an 11 week old, so I figured I would get ahead while he is little and doesn't demand TOO much attention! I am using my place of work as motivation to get my RN..haha!

Sounds good to me too!

I am also a mom of a soon to be 3 year old boy (December 23rd) and the second boy is due Jan. 13th! I'm taking math and interpersonal communications at the community college here right now. I am waiting for my unoffical review before I decide what to next. I'm thinking I will tak A&P 1 and 2 and Microbiology online w/labs and then do the testing for whatever else I need to get done.

Can't wait to get started!:yeah:

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