Johns Hopkins Entry into Nursing (MSN) Spring 2021

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi Everyone,

I wanted to start a thread for the Johns Hopkins entry into nursing MSN program for January 2021 applicants. I just started my application this week, aiming to get it in well before the July 1st deadline. Anyone else?? ?

Also, if anyone previously accepted here has any application tips, please do share. Thank you!

Hi! I am also applying for the Spring 2021 semester! ? Like you, I want to take advantage of the early admissions as well!

Hi! That's awesome. I wonder if we're some of the first applicants ? Maybe. Cheers to being super early! Is this a big career change for you as well? I'm in my early 30's and I'm so excited to make this change. What are your goals with the MSN?

That would be awesome, if so! ? It is a big career change for me as far as the field, but I've always been looking for my niche or a passion. I turned 29 about a week ago. ? My undergraduate degree is in elementary education. I'm happy something finally clicks with me, not that teaching is bad. I'm so excited to become a nurse!! I can feel your excitement too!! ? With the MSN, I want to see what area of nursing I love the most and go from there. I think it would be awesome to have an advanced nursing degree like NP, DNP or CRNA, but I want to see where I thrive first before making any "real" goals. I definitely would want to further my education though! ? What about you?

Hey! Sorry for the delay - been busy. That's awesome! What is your background in? My bachelors is in psychology and I'm finishing up a masters at Northwestern University in public policy and administration with an emphasis in global health. Also, Happy belated bday! Totally hear you on not wanting to lock into goals just yet- I think thats probably really common since its an "entry" into nursing program ? I feel the same way...although I'm definitely most interested in Emergency medicine and trauma..but who knows, maybe clinicals will get me really interested in an area I didn't even consider. I definitely want my DNP as well, so I hear you there! Have you submitted yet?? I did on Sunday and I'm so excited! We have a long wait ahead of us though haha. By the way, my name is Jen. ?

I just want to post a word of advice to anyone applying.. If you use the professional transcript service by NursingCAS, make sure you really look over the transcript entry before you click approve and submit. I found multiple errors from the professional transcript entry. Thankfully, NursingCAS is being really kind and fixing it all, but I wanted to share this here because I would hate to see anybody have their GPA messed up due to not really going over the entry job the professional transcript people did. Excited to connect with more people who are applying! ?

Hey everyone. I am also applying to Johns Hopkins nursing program for Spring 2021. This will be my 2nd time applying. Like many of us, nursing will be a career change as I have a Bachelor's in Psychology as well as a Master's Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. I'm a little nervous but I am also a bit excited at the prospect of becoming a nurse. I would also like to expand on my nursing education by becoming an acute care nurse practitioner or crna. I look forward to speaking more with my fellow applicants. Good Luck to us all!

Hey Christina! I'm Jen. Only guessing your name is Christina because of your username..if, for some reason, it isn't haha please correct me ?

Your post just sort of reaffirmed that I'm moving in the right direction! I got into Columbia University for a MSW that was supposed to start this past January but I turned them down. I had debated between the MSW (doing clinical/therapy work) and the MSN literally for years... and ended up choosing the MSW because it aligned with my background better..but then I constantly thought about the MSN. Eventually, I swallowed my fear, applied for Hopkins, and started my pre-reqs (yay!). Are you excited to make the switch from therapy to nursing? Do you want to become a PMHNP, or are you totally moving away from psych related work? I have a bachelors in psychology as well, so I hear you there - I bet a lot of psych people go into nursing. Will you be doing any pre-reqs with Hopkins?? I'm taking Anatomy and Dev. Psych this Summer with them, and then this fall I'll do microbio, nutrition, and physiology. We should take a class together if you still need any ?

If you don't mind me asking, what do you think threw off your application the first time you applied? I'm so nervous!! I read somewhere that they have something like 800 applicants typically for 100 seats. Ahh! I hope we both get in! (fingers crossed)


Hey Jen! nailed it! Congratulations on getting into Columbia (very cool). I can relate about being torn between two fields. I also felt that nursing aligned with my background because even though my patients presented with mental health issues, a lot of them also had a lot of medical issues. this made me want to learn more so I can help more. I am excited about making the switch from therapy to nursing but I am also nervous because it's something new and it's Johns Hopkins. I would like to complete the acute care nurse practitioner program or CRNA. Hopefully, we will have a chance to take nursing classes together. I don't know for sure, but I think what threw my application off the 1st time was that I applied too late. I also tweaked my essays a little bit. I hope everyone gets in and we can all meet each other at school and laugh about how nervous we were on the forums late night. haha. What was it in your background that made you choose nursing? Good luck on all of your prereqs. Christina.

So sorry Jen about just now replying! I literally just finished finals. ? Thank you for the birthday wishes! I actually haven't applied yet because I was focusing on school, but now, I'll get on it, haha! Thank you for the tip about the NursingCAS! I really love your enthusiasm, haha, and I know I've mentioned that before.

My name is Michelle, btw!

Hi Christina! So great to "meet" you! I'm definitely feeling that excited nervousness too about becoming a nurse, more excited though, haha! I'm sure this time around you will get it! I feel with that masters you must have been an impressive applicant because it shows you are committed and caring towards others. I hope this early admission is great for you!

So, I'm in a weird situation. My husband is in law school and is transferring schools. There are 8 schools that he is looking at, Georgetown being one. I'm applying to schools in all of the areas he is considering. So for the DC area, I'm looking at George Washington ABSN and Johns Hopkins MSN. I really hope we go to DC because going to Johns Hopkins would be a dream come true! It's my #1 choice! I'm so excited to share this journey with y'all, and I really hope we are in the same cohort!

Jenn: my anatomy and physiology courses at my school are combined and therefore different than Johns Hopkins, so I'm taking anatomy and physiology 2 over the Summer at another school. In the fall, I'll be taking nutrition at Johns Hopkins. We could take that one together!!

I will let y'all know if we end up moving to DC sometime in July!

Hi Michelle! I hope we are all in the same cohort also! it would be fun to learn to be nurses with all of you. fingers crossed we all make it!

Hi Jen and Christina! ?

I was wondering if y'all had volunteer experience? If so, how far back did you go time-wise with the volunteer experience? I hope that question makes sense.

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