Job Interview for CNA Float Pool, and advice


Good news! After a long week delay since my phone interview, they called and said that they want to interview me for the position.

For me, it's going to be easy because the position is at the same place I work at, so mostly I will have a better chance of getting hired. Plus, I've floated before on my floor, so I pretty much know the routines.

Just some advice. I haven't taken an interview in three years since my last one. To anyone who has/had experience in float pool, what do you think the questions they might ask me? How should I prepare for the interview, since it's float term? And most of all, how does it really work? How does the scheduling work? Do we pick our own schedules? is there a guantree that I can work most of the time? Anything will help. Thanks.

Put how to prepare for an interview in the Allnurses search bar. You will get a lot of responses.

At the end of the interview usually the applicant is asked if they have any questions.

Maybe pick the top 3 questions you want answers to and ask at that time.

When you get hired get in writing what they say about the schedule, how many hours you will work, etc.

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