Job advice- do you think your area is NP flooded

Specialties NP


I would like some opinions. I am now post master's degree (straight MSN). I had planned to enter a post grad FNP certificate program next month however I'm starting to have some doubts. It seems like reviewing the job postings on Indeed, my area seems to have fewer and fewer postings/positions.

To make this even more complicated, a colleague from a past role has approached me with a position. My years of experience in that field tell the story that I love the field, but I feel like if I take the job, my plans for NP program will be done (job is 5 days and NP program requires 2 full days a week for clinical-has to be office based so not weekends).

I'm just really unsure what direction to go in and trying to get some opinions about what sounds better in the long run, and if I decide to go NP will I be able to find work or is the market flooding at this point?

Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Float Pool/Stepdown.

My area is drowning with new grad NP's and my organization has a fair amount of nurses in school currently going for their NP. I think this allows my workplace (which really is a great place to work) to not have to be competitive with NP pay. Right now I make more as a floor nurse so I will not be looking into a post-masters NP unless we move to a less congested and more competitive area. (I'm currently in a MSN for leadership)

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