Jersey College Review - Good or Bad


Jersey College - Good or Bad

Let's get straight to the point. Every business is rated by bitter consumers. If they miraculously find a way to keep everyone happy, you will rarely see a review. Reviews aren't usually made until someone is upset and wants to get revenge, "human nature".

I have never given a review for any company neither good nor bad (please forgive any errors or etiquette mishaps). Why now, you may ask? I've never been as impressed as I am with Jersey College. Prior to starting school, I briefly reviewed the school and liked what I saw.

Every industry has mistakes happen: my dog ate my homework, alien abductions, sickness, and the list goes on endlessly. The one main thing that I care about is, "How it is handled"? Giving credit where credit is due, Jersey College staff members go out of their way to fix situations before they become problems. I've never seen such a response in a school before.

We have an instructor who recently had an unexpected emergency. Our class was instructor-less for a short period. Being adults, we used that time as a study hall to work on our assignments. Out of nowhere, one of the program chair members walked in and saw us. We briefly explained the situation and she rapidly fixed the situation before it became a problem. A short time later, we were being taught by another awesome instructor. There were no scenes or complaints just action.

Jersey College is not a perfect school due to the human error factor, that's life. However, they are perfect in caring for their students and the success of their students, which is shown by their numbers. To have this many informed instructors and chair members who actually care about us, the students, getting our Nursing license is staggering, which is what I care about. What more can you ask for. I thank God that I chose to continue my education at Jersey College. They seem to truly care.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Greg (There's no need to be anonymous)

Hi Greg, this is your first post because you joined today, and you came here to tell us glowing things about this college. I think maybe you work for them, PR or staff or something that is affected by how well their business goes? Because this looks a lot like an advertisement, not a personal experience.

Do you work for them in some way?

Hi Pickles,

Thanks for reading my post! It was my first one ever. (bucket list check)

I was a member for like 3 day before I posted, LOL. I feel like a high schooler stressing my half (I'm 15 and a half).

No, I don't work for the school in any way, nor do I desire to in the future. I apologize if I offended you or anyone else. I have never given a review neither good nor bad. I just wanted to give credit where I felt credit was due. I've been to several schools for different reasons. I'm an x-knuckle head who sat in the back of each class, self-alienated, and watched from afar.

I saw both the good where everyone boasted and bad were they deflected. I've been there when staff has deflected blame and sent everyone home for the day, more than once. I've never seen the same situation handled the way that it was. I chose to give a review, because I was impressed not employed. I had strong feelings for other schools in the past. It would be ignorant of me to bash the school for the actions of a few, due to anger.

This experience is different from others for me. I don't think I invited or tried to recruit for the school. I apologize if it came off that way. Everyone shows their best side at the beginning. I'm at the brink of term 2 (2 weeks from now) and they are still showing that best side. I'm not saying that it won't change. I'm only saying that I am enjoying my experience and I wanted to express that. I hope etiquette-wise that I am not out of line.

P.S. My wife is in class with me, who knows, that may be the difference.

Again, to answer your question, no I don't work for the school in any way. I was just impressed and wanted to express it.

Thanks again for reading,


thanks for the response and no I wasn't offended! but you do have to realize that a lot of people post things like Try This Stupid Gadget And It Will Change Your Life, like that. lots of work at home schemes and scams show up on message boards and yes even schools will have shills who write rave reviews for them and direct people to their admissions department and it's all about enrollment fees, nothing about if the school is actually worth a nickel. Glad it worked out well for you.

I understand. My children call me a dinosaur when it comes to technology, so I really didn't think about recruiters trying to recruit on this site. I'm a little naive when it comes to the internet. I pay video games through my Playstation and that's it. I'm employable. I can use Microsoft Office to Lotus and most programs in between. I appreciate you explaining why you replied the way that you did. I honestly thought that I was out of line with my post. I never thought of how someone else would have perceived my post and I definitely didn't that about scams. You don't have these problems with spoken words. LOL

Thanks for taking the time to read and reply to my post.


Specializes in GENERAL.

OP: Just listen to your own assertion. "Every business is rated by bitter customers." If that statement was even remotely plausible all business ratings promulgated by the dubiously credible BBB would get a "F" rating.

To get around the "human" nature of engaging in skullduggery as much as "humanly" possible, I would advise using the Jersey College graduation and retention numbers as found on ( to quantify and validate your assumptions.

On this site you will be pleasantly surprised that your anecdotal and experiential impression of this school is comfirmed by its outstanding student success metrics. And at 21K per year they had better be good or it's a lifetime of debtor's prison.

Specializes in GENERAL.
Hi Greg, this is your first post because you joined today, and you came here to tell us glowing things about this college. I think maybe you work for them, PR or staff or something that is affected by how well their business goes? Because this looks a lot like an advertisement, not a personal experience.

Do you work for them in some way?

You know Pickles did you ever wonder why the schools that have the best graduation and retention rates do the least marketing? Like Harvard, Yale et al. It's because their reputations precede them. Now before I would ever even start to believe any recruiter's speil about this or that superfluous side-show attraction, like the ever popular climbing wall, I would go to

( Graduation and retention rates are important and will portent the success or failure of most students; or the failure of most students like at the for-profits, despite the the recommendations of the relatively few for-profit success shills. You can look up their numbers too, much to their chagrin.

Buyer beware I guess your right. If everyone waited until they were upset everyone would have a F rating. LOL I didn't think about that. GREAT point!

Specializes in Home Health, Hospice, LTC.

I went to Jersey College for my LPN, graduated as Salutatorian, and hated every second I was there. That being said, I learned enough that I passed my NCLEX on the first try and was working my dream job within 2 years. Also, as much as I detested the place, I head back next month for the bridge program. It all depends on if you learn enough to pass your NCLEX IMO.

Thank you for the collegescorecard site. I actually took your advise and looked at it. LOL It's an expensive school, however the graduation rate make it worth it. Thank you again for the site and for reading my posts.


"CONGRATULATIONS", make it happen. You are where I am trying to get. I too hate it - LOL. I am at the end of the 1st term with 3 A"s and 1 A- (90.8). At this rate we will be ready for the NCLEX. My wife and I are competing and pulling one another. Naturally, here average is higher than mine (girls stink LOL). I look forward to hearing about you walking across the stage for round 2!

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