Jefferson College of Health Sciences


Hi, I'm looking for anyone who has information on the nursing program- specifically the ABSN- from Jefferson College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, VA. I've applied for the Spring 2017 start and am waiting to hear back, but I am a little worried about the lack of information I've been able to find on the program. Is there anyone who's gone through any of the nursing programs there, or any other prospective students? I'd love to hear from anyone with any information. Thank you in advance!

Specializes in CVICU.

Hi rooster7! Have you heard whether or not you got into the program yet? I am in the process of applying for fall 2017, but can't find much on previous applicants. Curious as to what the average accepted GPA is. The website just says they look for a GPA above a 2.7. Have you found anymore information on Jefferson since your original post? I have not taken an ethics or English literature course (as far as I know… I'm hoping that I might have another course the program will substitute), so if admitted I'll have to take those courses at a local community college this summer.

I did get into the program and am starting in January! I have no idea what the average GPA is but my first degree GPA was around a 3.1. I had a 3.9 in the science prereqs. I also had about 2000 hours of patient care hours as an EMT. I thought my first degree would give me enough English credits but it didn't and I am having to take literally English 101 this semester before I start to satisfy the requirement. Kind of silly but I'm grateful to have gotten into the program.

Specializes in CVICU.

Congrats! Is the program strict on when you can take those courses? For example, I know some schools say the student has to complete the courses the spring semester prior to their fall start. I was hoping I would be allowed to take extra courses in the summer after I found out whether I got in or not. I would hate to put that money into classes that only JCHS needs and not get in.

They just need to be completed before the start of the first day of the program. I know it says that somewhere online I can try to find the link. I still had to take micro, that English class, nutrition, and ethics when I found out I got in. I took a&p2 in the summer and they also didn't have that final grade yet once I found out. I did have to send in proof that I was registered in the necessary classes i still had to take (in the form of a transcript) in the upcoming semester.

It was the only school I applied for since it had a spring start, and if I didn't get in my plan was to apply for several more programs for fall starts. But it's a simple application with no fee, really can't beat it. I have heard really good things about the nursing program based on what I could find. It's a very small school which i think is why it's hard to find a ton of outside info on it.

here's what it says about prereq completion

  • Completion of all prerequisite coursework by the end of the semester preceding the cohort start.

also i recommend looking at the handbook if you haven't already. heres's a link and the ABSN info starts on page 113 i believe

I just got my letter that says I'm waitlisted with no contingencies. It doesn't say where I fall on the waitlist. Does anyone have any success being accepted from the waitlist?

Specializes in CVICU.

Hi Thompsonb11, you are the first person I've really talked to on allnurses who applied to Jefferson this cycle. I got an acceptance letter contingent upon me completing ethics. I have not taken an eithcs course yet. Jefferson is not one of my top choices, so I do not foresee myself keeping my seat. I will hear from my top choice in the next couple of weeks. My second choice I've already committed to just in case I don't get accepted into my first. Accepted ABSN students at Jefferson have until 3/3 to accept their seat, so I'm sure students on the waitlist will hear around that time or shortly after. Good luck! Fingers crossed for you!

I just got my letter that says I'm waitlisted with no contingencies. It doesn't say where I fall on the waitlist. Does anyone have any success being accepted from the waitlist?

i know of two people in my cohort that came from the waiting list. it's likely there is more, but those are the two i know personally.

I was waitlisted at Jefferson pending three prerequisites. However, two of the three prerequisites were on my transcript (that took them THREE TIMES to even find attached to an e-mail) and one of them I had informed them I was currently taking. Let's just say I wiped JCHS from my list of potential schools immediately after that.

I just got admitted to the program and I don't even have a cumulative 3.0 GPA.

Hello Big_Mike! How long did it take to hear back and also what was you GPA if you do not mind me asking. I am looking to receive a letter back soon. Ive also applied for spring 2018.

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