Jahco Faq


I am preparing a board for our floor for the nurses regarding JAHCO Frequently Asked Questions. Anyone have any good ones? Or maybe someone can direct me to a good website with some info on it? Thanks!


Specializes in OB.
I am preparing a board for our floor for the nurses regarding JAHCO Frequently Asked Questions. Anyone have any good ones? Or maybe someone can direct me to a good website with some info on it? Thanks!


This year one of the areas of emphasis seems to be staff qualifications. I was on contract when JACHO came to the hospital and was singled out (after one of the "helpful" dayshifters :rotfl: said "Oh - here's our traveler") and questioned as to my qualifications, certifications, experience, etc. and what proof the hospital had of the same when contracting me. Fortunately, I know exactly what is in the file my company forwards and quoted all this to them. On leaving our unit, they went to HR, pulled my file and checked it out!

Felt pretty good, though, when the final report came back with the comment: "The OB traveler was very well informed."

My co-worker (who is a nurse), her husdand is a surveyer for JAHCO and he told me that this year they are more tracking the way things are done in the hosptial. For example when you get an MD order for a medication he/she will ask you what the process is. It goes to the parmacy...they will track it and follow up on those other departments, Pharmacy and all....

Not good at explaining but....

Specializes in Neuro Critical Care.

JACHO is coming next month, our hospital is emphasizing documentation and medication administration. They are also looking at whether meds are kept locked, checking MAR against name bands and no food or drinks in the nurses' station(althought this may be managements way of torturing us). Oh well, we are keeping our fingers crossed!

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