IV's on obese patients

Nurses General Nursing


Does anyone have any hints or tips on starting IV's on obese patients? Or where I can find some tips. Any info will be greatly appreciated.


In the back of the bus (ambulance), we use a little device that has been all the rage lately. I've only used it once on an obese pt. and it worked well. I don't see too many hospitals going out and buying these for their units.



This is some first hand experience as I have been a patient alot of times and although I'm overweight, not obese and I'm only an aide, this is what nurses do for me. I have always been the world's hardest stick, even when I was skinny. I have Crohn's so when I need an IV I'm usually very dehydrated which doesn't make it easier.

Get a vein finder and check out the feet. Before they stick my feet I walk around to get the blood flowing. Also, they have had luck finding veins in my upper arm, usually underneath, in the area where you would put a PICC. Those pop up right away once a tourniqet is on. And they always use the smallest gauge possible. Also, they seem to have luck in my wrist. Hurts like the devil but I don't care - and I doubt a sick pt will either. Once again, I'm not a nurse but I've had plenty of experience with IV's anyway.

Also, remember to tell your patients like this about bruising! I have so many obese pts hold up their arms to show me the bruising they got when they got an IV. And they tend to show more bruising than most of my other patients (the other bad bruisers are elderly with frail skin and on coumadin therapy...and they blame the RN! LOL!).

They tend to get very angry and blame the nurse that did it, when infact, it is their conditions and difficulty in finding a vein that is the cause..not the nurse! And yes, I tell that to them gently, and warn them that bruising occurs with even the best IV starter!

Right now, after spending last week in the hospital, I have about 6 bruises and enough track marks to make me look like a junkie. NEVER have I blamed a nurse for bruises. Ridiculous. It happens and who cares about bruises????? Getting better takes precedence. Bruises fade. Sorry, but that frosts my crack that somebody would say that. :devil:

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