IV Therapy Help


I get priming and back priming...

so lets assume I did that already (=

This was something I originally posted on a FB page for my nursing programme... and I thought I would bring it here. I just copy pasted... hehe


I am not sure how technical our professors will be in terms of steps and preferences regarding IV insertion/flush... but I am planning on doing this. Do yall think it works? Any mistakes? tips? I would appreciate... (obviously we aren't all going to do things exactly the same.. and I think asepsis and infection control and common sense things like air... are what count)

Assuming I have primed my primary line and piggyback line...

1. Take out syringe to flush & prep. Recap and set down.

... 2. Take out your extension tubing.

3. Remove the cap off of the extension tubing.

4. Obtain syringe. Prime extension tubing. (some NS will drip out).

5. Very loosly recap the extension tubing..

6. To maintain asepsis place back in the original ext tub package

7. Do Not take the needle out... you will flush with remainding NS.

8. Prep your tape and tegaderm

9. Apply torniquete

10. Find vein

11. Swab

12. Obtain catheter/needle

13. Advance until you no longer feel the pressure.

14. Push in catheter. With left hand (if R handed app pressure above site of inser)

15. take out needle.

16. Undo torniquete & apply tape over hub

17. obtain your extension tubing

18. Connect to catheter.

19. Aspirate & Flush.

20. Remove needle.

21. fill out your tegaderm and apply

22. loop around the extension line (not touching any other tape/derm) & tape it

23. Connect primary line... and tadaaaa

disconnect primary line from ext tubing and continue on to find your drop rate for primary baggie...

I know that was a lot.... I just want to PASS and actually get a working technique down for the real world.


^^^^^ copy pasted material.

My question is a silly one... I do not know why I get caught up in technical things but... I feel this is important..

how does the tegaderm go on the pt? I know the info would end up facing the side (say the arm was poked vertically needle facing supriorly towards heart...)

okay... but what about top and bottom? how much covers the hub? do yall have a link or pic or vid? I tried searching no luck..

and does my overall steps sound sensible? good?

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

1. That question is just something you'll have to find out from your instructor. I see different people put it on differently. One of our medics puts the tegaderm on horizontally so he doesn't have to waste tape on the PRN adapter / connector. I always put the tegaderm so in a vertical position with tail flaps going distal to the vein.

2. I presume ur talking about an old school non-needless system. Every hospital I've been to uses needless now so I feel like step #20 may be redundant or out of place.

3. Now that I'm in the ED I start IVs regularly and this process seemed waaaay overly complicated than doing it in real life. yeesh. School is hard.

Specializes in Pedi.

I would not tape an IV in place before the extension tubing is connected and you're sure it flushes. Why do all of that if the IV is no good? Everyone takes off the tourniquette at a different time... if you need to draw blood, you may want to leave it on. There is also more than one way to tape an IV-I've always put the tegaderm on first and then wrapped tape around the hub and secured that to the tegaderm. I'm not sure what needle you're talking about in step 20. There is only one needle involved in inserting an IV and you've already removed it in step #15.

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