It's hard to live with a nurse because...

Nurses Humor


1) When you forget to flush the toilet, you get a complete analysis with a plan on how to correct any noted problems.

2) Thanksgiving dinner comes in pre-cut small pieces because she doesn't want to have to perform the Heimlich maneuver and be reminded of work on the only holiday she's had off in years.

3) You've been awakened from a dead sleep in the middle of the night to find her shaking you because your breathing patterns were a little too close to a Cheyne-Stokes rhythm.

okay.. okay confession is good for the soul right?

2 years ago I had strarted working at my present hospital on the med-surg floor. Amazingly and thankfully we had enough staff that night cuz...

At 19:30 my daughter then 8 years old calls crying (like I would be mad at her) telling me CJ her older brother had fallen from a tree and had broken his arm. I asked her if it was bleeding, protruding and how high from which he fell, did he havee any loc and told her how to check for cap refill. Everything checked out over the phone. I told her ice, ace, elevate and take a motrin.That I wasn't convinced it was broken and I wasn't sure I could leave(I just got there at 19:00) WELLL...upon telling my co-workers they agreed to cover me and I ran home (15 min)

Then I wasn't convinced it wasn't broken but sheesh what would the ER do at night , right? It looked like he might have a little diformity to his wrist so I baseball splinted it and slinged him. Made sure the alarm was set so he could take more motrin and told him to go to sleep. Welll it ws broken but the docs in the ER said they would've done the exact thing I did only may be given him a narc to take for pain. I probably wouldn't have given him since Motrin was working just fine. ANd I only missed an hour of work time ---but still feel guilty. I try to be a little more compassionate now but colds and flu get no where with me. No staying home from school unless you plas on staying in bed. No tv, video games nothing ( well maybe classical music) if they have a fever over 101 and agree to this then I know they are sick. (Its funny they aren't sick too often)

My kids hate how unless blood is spewing from an artery or have a bone protruding u r fine and sick days nope gotta prove it with ebola pustules or the vomit. Go to school! My husband pooped his pants years ago when I told him he was fine go to work lol!

The worst part is the show was written by a doctor (his back up career).

My husband hates to watch the TV show ER with me...he says I ruin it for him. I can't help it!!! I have to tell him what they are doing wrong!!! I can't let him believe some of the stuff that they do!!! Even real shows like "Trauma, Life in the ER" on the Lifetime channel get a running commentary from me. My 5 year old daughter does CPR so well from watching all of the medical things on TV...she even wears socks on her hands for gloves!!!!

My kids school nurse has report for me when she calls! She knows the routine and is prepared she has to call but tells the kids you know your mom is not coming to get you unless I send you out in ambulance.

My husband says I am terrible at home as a nurse they all say I don't baby them or take care of them when they are sick and I told them the whining about it was why and I don't have to be a nurse at home the same as my husband the mechanic who waits for my truck to completely quit running before he even attempts to look at it!

Hilarious thread :D

So true about the children of nurses. Neither of my adult kids were 'that type' to want to be a nurse, but when my daughter's chicken got half eaten by a dog, she packed her wounds with sterile gauze and only called me to check her math on a Penicillin G daily dose for a four pound chicken. The chicken is alive and well two years later, albeit with only half of one thigh. I was so proud of her, and told her she's got the 'right stuff' to be a good nurse but as usual, she shrieked at the very thought of it.

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