ISNAP to IPRP(Indiana)


Specializes in ED, Transplant.

Hi all! I'm new to all of this. I got caught diverting at work last month, self reported to ISNAP and voluntarily did inpatient for 30 days. My RMA didn't start until this week because I was inpatient but OMG is this confusing! The only thing I got from ISNAP was the RMA. I have all these questions I have tried to ask my CM but all I get is a phone number to contact IPRP, and when I called them, they were very nice but explained they were unable to help because the contract doesn't go into effect until 7/1 and that ISNAP should be providing my answers. Email CM back and told him and haven't heard a thing! Maybe some of you could answer some of my questions....

I don't have any of the COC forms, don't I need those if I get selected for testing? On all of the reports we have to submit, is their a form to fill out? If not, what are they wanting in those reports? My RMA states my first monthly report is due in August and quarterly are in October but the Spectrum/Affinity is says they are due in July..what gives???

This newbie is so confused and is getting no answers!

I'm not certain what IPRP is. I know that you can download the monthly and quarterly forms from the ISNAP website. The COC for drug screens will be at the collection site. When it's time to test Affinity will give you a number and a sheet you can print off to take with you to the collection site. As far as reports...if I remember correctly, you upload your AA/NA attendance sheet monthly. Your worksite monitor, therapist, AA/NA sponsor, addictionist forms are sent in quarterly.

Specializes in Med/Surg & Psych.

Hello! I've been in ISNAP since January. I had the same questions you do, I understand. Fear of the unknown is terrible!

No, you do not need a COC form, the lab provides. You need to pick which lab you will go to and your information will automatically be faxed to that lab if you are required to test. I downloaded the Affinity app on my phone. ( some people don't want this app anywhere on their personal items lol, but I find it helpful. It sends me a notification every morning at 5am to check in and if I get an email I also get a notification.

The quarterly reports are due April, July, October, January. Maybe since you just signed your RMA, they are delaying your reports. I had a concern about the differences between affinity and my RMA. (affinity states 3 NA meetings a week and RMA states 12 a month) I was told by my CM to go with what my RMA states because that is the contract.

I'm nervous about the upcoming change from ISNAP to IPRP. They did say their would be no changes to our RMA, so that's good.

Please reach out to me anytime! I was terrified in the beginning but its (sadly) becoming normal. lol

Where are you located in Indiana?

Specializes in ED, Transplant.

Thank you for your replies! I went to the ISNAP site and found the reports, don't know why I didn't think of that! I like the app, it helps to be notified of check-in. With the COC, I go to Kentucky about once a month to visit my husbands family, do I just need to add it to my collection sites? Do they only send the form to your preferred site or all that you have picked? Right now I have 2 sites picked, one is close to home and the other is close to work.

Specializes in Med/Surg & Psych.

yes, they only send it to your preferred site. I traveled out of state last month. I just changed my preferred site before I checked if I had to test.

I have 4 test sites on my list. lol 2 out of state, my preferred and one that's open 24 hours a day.

Specializes in ED, Transplant.

Thank you...that helps a lot!!

I’ve been in the program for a year now and have been fully compliant. I have a vacation planned out of the country coming up. Would I automatically have to submit a hair follicle test when I return since there aren’t any testing sites where I’m going. I heard the hair follicles tests are expensive!

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