Is UMUC accredited?

Nursing Students School Programs


Is university of Maryland university college (umuc) accredited by CCNE or NLN? If a school is not accredited by one of these, you obtain your degree and then they become accredited, is your degree just as good as if they were accredited while you were going through school? They are regionally accredited but wasn't sure about the other. How long does it take for accreditation?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I don't see them listing CCNE or ACEN (formerly NLNAC) on their site: Regional Accreditation and More | UMUC. Possibly the school is pursuing accreditation - it would be good to ask them! Elkpark provided a great answer to your question about accreditation:

I am excited to say that UMUC is now accredited by the CCNE for the RN-BSN completion program because I am enrolled.

Obeadle -

I completed a general AA degree from UMUC a few years ago and will soon complete my ADN from another college. I am considering going to UMUC for their RN to BSN bridge which is now CCNE accredited! How long have you been in the program and how much longer until you expect to finish? Would you recommend their nursing program or do you mind describing your experience with them? While working to complete my AA, I was very happy with the education and each professor seemed interested in me succeeding as a student and beyond... I hope to hear back from you!

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