Published May 14, 2008
119 Posts
I graduated from nursing school and passed the HESI EXit Exam, pure luck.
Unfortunately, my classmates have not. First of all, we were never told about the HESI exit exam until 1 1 /2 prior to us graduating. We were given a HESI Review course less than 72 hours of taking the HESI exam. Our policy stated that upon completion of the program that we are to take a comprehensive exit exam. It did not state HESI nor did it indicate what the passing score is and how many times you can take it. Approx. 95% of my classmates who I became very close with have not. I am having problem with going forward with my life without them. This is so unfair. We have spent over ten thousand dollars. The school required that my classmates pay and pass for a remedial course. All passed. Took HESI and 90 plus percent failed. The school than made my classmates repeat second year, cost of $5000 for six months. They passed second year, again. Took HESI and 95% failed HESI. My classmates have gone through the proper channel from the Dean to the Vice Chancellor. The vice chancellor just stated to them that he will not allow to have substandard students sit for boards and cause harm to the public. HESI is just a probability exam. If the school would of assessed our areas of weakness after each rotation, my classmates may not be in this situation. According to BON, passing HESI is not required to sit for boards. Does anyone know how we can bypass this unfair, unrealistic exam? NCLEX adapts to your level of knowledge, HESI does not. HESI is a diagnostic assessment tool. It should not be used to prevent students who already completed the program from sitting for boards. The school will not give my classmates their earned degrees, so unfair. As I read other posts regarding HESI, I see that this is becoming a national crisis. What kills me that the school administrators are aware that most of my classmates, including myself, lack resources and most of all money.
Please PM me with any information you may have. My heart aches for my classmates. There has to be an answer to this madness.
Thanks everyone!