Is nursing the right choice?


hi guys:typing, i am new to this community. i found this site by chance i guess. i am in the dental field, have been for a while now but i always wanted to be a nurse:nurse:. well as i got closer to my goal, finishing up my prerequesites for dental hygiene i started doubting my decision. i saw my cunselor and discussed the possibility of switching from dental hygiene to nursing as a career. i should be able to apply for the spring semester. i got very excited, just yesterday it seemed like something wondeful was about to happen in my life and i could not wait for spring to get here:yeah:. well i started to look into nursing, what is covered during school and stuff. then i started reading comments about how awful nursing was, oh my!!!:argue: now i am wondering if i made the right decision.:eek: is it really that bad??? now im wondering if i should stick with dentistry:confused:

any advise???:up: :down:

Do you want to be a nurse? Because if you really do, you can't let people discourage you! I had RN's at the hospital I worked at tell me I didn't really want to be a nurse, I was making a mistake, I would be sorry, etc...but I do want to be a nurse, so I always let it roll off my is my life and they don't know how I feel or what I want. I started to tell them they could say what they wanted it wasn't going to discourage me in the least...and after a while they stopped picking at me, they could see I was serious about this and let it go. If you want it, only listen to yourself ( and any positive people you have around you!) Good Luck!

If you use this board as your measuring stick, dont. People come here for help/to vent and nobody feels like making a post every time they had a GOOD day. Instead people post threads when they are in need of a sounding board or whatever. So you see an unbalanced amount of negativity, imo.

The best thing about nursing, is that you can do soooo many different things with it. It definitely has a lot more flexibility than other medical fields. I cant think of a better choice, personally. There are other fields I think that I would enjoy, but then I go back to the flexibility and room to advance/continue my education down the road, and it brings me right back to being satisfied with this choice.

:yeah:I applied this semester to VVC nursing program and I am waiting for my acceptance letter. It has been a bumpy road and I have felt like quitting pursuing the nursing career. I have even considered changing to dental hygienist since they have similar pre req's. My gut feeling is telling me that I would not be happy unless I am nurse and I am sticking to it because I know that deep down inside that is what I want in life. Congratulations I know exactly how you feel knowing that finally you will be able to apply to the nursing program. Brace yourself for the wait list. At this point in time I am researching on getting my LVN down at Chaffey and then doing the LVN to RN bridge at VVC. I'll keep you updated on how that goes. :no:

I was thinking the same thing as you. Then I came to realize that there are so many different things you can do as a nurse. I am sure there is something that you will fall in love with. Also, there are many jobs other than bedside nursing that nurses do that aren't discussed that much. I tried to explain to a friend all the different career options and she was just amazed. She always thought nursing was just bedside nursing... there is sooo much more.

:yeah:I applied this semester to VVC nursing program and I am waiting for my acceptance letter. It has been a bumpy road and I have felt like quitting pursuing the nursing career. I have even considered changing to dental hygienist since they have similar pre req's. My gut feeling is telling me that I would not be happy unless I am nurse and I am sticking to it because I know that deep down inside that is what I want in life. Congratulations I know exactly how you feel knowing that finally you will be able to apply to the nursing program. Brace yourself for the wait list. At this point in time I am researching on getting my LVN down at Chaffey and then doing the LVN to RN bridge at VVC. I'll keep you updated on how that goes. :no:

Thank you sweetie=)

I will apply in the Spring of 2009. I hadnt taken developmental psych because you dont need it for dental hygiene. You do require Chem 201, 202, and organic chem tho. I think you need more pre reqs for hygiene than nursing. Well hopefully i take Psych in winter, take TEAS and apply in the Spring semester. Yes do keep me posted, good luck to you too.

VVC? Victorville?? hey maybe we will end up together in class hehe:yeah:

I was thinking the same thing as you. Then I came to realize that there are so many different things you can do as a nurse. I am sure there is something that you will fall in love with. Also, there are many jobs other than bedside nursing that nurses do that aren't discussed that much. I tried to explain to a friend all the different career options and she was just amazed. She always thought nursing was just bedside nursing... there is sooo much more.

Yes, I know. I would like to work for City of Hope. That would be awesome dont yu think?? well Im on my way, I will keep posting as I go.

take care=)

Hey VVCNurse.

I'm starting NP1 this coming spring and I'm ABSOLUTELY PUMPED! It is gonna be somewhat of a wait now...or so I hear (min 2 years?). But if this is the career you're REALLY after, I say go for it. Re: Chem 201, 202, OChem....Awesome classes. I've only taken 201 at this point and am fully intent on finishing 202 after I pass the NCLEX sometime 2011. If you have ambitions to continue onto a BSN degree those classes are pre-reqs into most programs like Loma Linda University (my ultimate goal for employment and continuing education). Just stick with it, finish off ALL pre-reqs into the Nursing program AND for graduation (Math 90 is a minimum requirement now) and sign up for Patient assessment when you are allowed to. I also recommend finishing off Pharmacology BEFORE you enter NP1. The amount of information is Staggering, yet, attainable. Lots of luck to you and your endeavors and I hope to talk to you around campus one of these days. :up::yeah:

Congratulations!!!! OMG how awesome=)

Yes, the wait is 2 yrs, unfortunatly. IDK, Im thinking of going for my BA in Psychology while I wait. I think it would be beneficial if Im hoping to go into oncology as a nurse. Gosh, I would love to be as excited as you when it comes to Chemistry, but the truth is I suck at it. I am now taking my last pre requ which is Psych 110. I'm thinking of taking my pre requs for the Psychology degree in the Spring. Hey so how soon after I am accepted am I allowed to take those classes you mentioned? I would love to keep hearing from you, let us know how you are doing and what frustrations and conquests come your way.

Good luck Suzuki=)

Nursing is the right choice if you still want it no matter what anyone else says. :)

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