Published Dec 26, 2007
1 Post
Hello everyone, I am an LPN in the home health care field with a concern about the future of my career. I have Oa, Ra and Sjogrens syndrome. My capacity for home health nursing is quickly diminishing r/t my disease processes. What other field of nursing can I go into as an LPN that does not involve lifting, stooping, walking more than 50 feet at a time. RA is also affecting my ability to chart or use the computer. Am i just kidding myself that I can continue my career or is it time to give it up? Any advice would be of great help. Thank you.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
:welcome: Welcome to these forums! Here's a hug for all your suffering. (((hug))) :icon_hug:
I have moved your thread to the "Nurses with Disabilities" forum where, hopefully, it should accrue some helpful responses within the next few days. Good luck to you!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Hi and welcome to the site
Sorry to hear you have health issues. Not sure if you need to be RN but there may be some jobs you can do from home which although may not pay as much you may be able to use your nursing experience/career
What type of nursing jobs can one do at home as an RN?
I have the same problem with a restricted activity level