Published Sep 26, 2011
gatoraims RN
219 Posts
I am really starting to get down. I was so happy when I passed my nclex pn and could finally call myself a nurse. So far out of a class of 32 we have had 28 people pass the nclex. 27 of them have found a job. Me I am the only one who has not. Well I lied one other girl has a desk job but plans on not leaving that job until she is in RN school.
What am I doing wrong. I have pct exp. from back on 1999. Other than that I have not worked other than as a waitress. I decided to raise my children then went back to school, so my exp. is lacking. But you would think that someone would give me a chance. They have given other of my past co-students who did not have exp a chance. I cannot even get a PCT job. They call me back so my resume is getting some place only to either tell me that I am over qualified or that I need a year of exp. (yet the job request does not state this).
I know it has not been that long but I am really getting down. My only hope is that the reason I have not gotten a job is that I will be accepted into RN school, it starts in Jan.
How can everyone in my class have a job before me. I was one of the very first to pass my nclex as a mater of fact I was the 4th to pass. The three that passed prior to me had taken their exam the day before I did. I have been applying for nursing aid jobs since last June. Now I am applying for lpn jobs and assistant personal jobs, just so I have so form of exp. But I cannot even get that.
Is this common. I know unempolyment is low and in Florida it is even lower than the nation average and in my county it is even lower. But I feel like such a looser being the only one to not have a job.
38,333 Posts
It could be a fluke or it could be that there is something in your presentation to prospective employers that is turning the hiring managers off. Until someone gives you some feedback or you do some serious informed reflection on your own to figure out where you are going wrong, it might take some time for you to overcome this. At this point you need to evaluate your situation and think about the possibility of relocation. Or, just be persistent.