Is anatomy one of the toughest courses for nursing?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi - I'm currently in the course and can't believe how much time I'm committing to studying. Is this course the one that requires the most study time are are all nursing courses this way? thanks in advance for your posts...

Someone mentioned having taken Medical Terminology before A&P as being any others agree? I'm currently taking Medical Term right now and plan to take A&P next summer after I wrap up my chem and bio courses.

So far I'm doing great in Medical Term so am really hoping that gives me a good foundation or primer for A&P.

Congradulations! :bdyhdclp:

I would say that Bio IS the toughest one of them all. It makes all the difference in the world when you study. And when you have an instructor who makes it interesting and easy to understand makes for an even better experience.

Yes, I would have to say so.

Someone mentioned having taken Medical Terminology before A&P as being any others agree? I'm currently taking Medical Term right now and plan to take A&P next summer after I wrap up my chem and bio courses.

So far I'm doing great in Medical Term so am really hoping that gives me a good foundation or primer for A&P.

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