
Please be careful about the IPN program here in FL.  Its a scam overall...may for some necessary but not for most.  Anyone have an attorney they have used to fight and IME??

Specializes in OR.

Oh yes, a scam to the Nth power. I am 2 years past getting out of the claws of those crooks and still have issues. Discipline that never should have been made public yet was. A suspension that never should have happened but did because those yokels couldn’t be bothered to speak up for me. Advocacy, my ***. 
I asked for help and got rammed through the next 6 years of inappropriate and dangerous ‘treatment’ by their ‘approved evaluators’ also known as tools with zero ethics who will write anything in a report to justify trapping someone in a contract, needed or not and suck them dry for money. They function on a culture of fear and mis/non-information. Good luck getting a straight useful answer out of any of them.

I was lied to, threatened, embarrassed, humiliated and they hosed up more than one job opportunity for me. I started thinking they were there to help, then I was scared of them, then I proceeded to disgusted at what they do to people. Overall, it is nothing but a giant money mill run by pathetic people who lie and manipulate to justify their own existence at the expense of people truly in need of help.

Yes, I am angry and always will be at the lost opportunities and lost income, lost money and so forth. I do fine now, employed and finally going back to school but it was no thanks that bunch of scam artists. 
For a number of years, I kept an attorney on the back burner and threatened to use him periodically when I caught them in yet another lie. TOS prevents me from listing specific names/law firms but I can say it was one of the bigger license defense law firms in Fl. There are two and I would recommend either. Not knowing your situation, I don’t know if they would keep you out of their clutches but they might be able to protect you from some of the more unsavory antics of IPN.

OH!  in my situation I refused IPN!!  And the 'DOH" approved Psych gave me a very wrong diagnosis...and have since received a correct one.  He is in the pockets of the IPN!  I am sorry to hear of your struggles...but we NEED to let as many people know as possible what a horrific joke it is and the expense it costs.  So sad!  I am looking for an attorney to fight his IME!!!  License is secured but he is doing WRONG stuff!!


and I want him stopped!!  His report was inaccurate, messed up on dates etc and didn't even get the required tests before submitting his report.  MONSTER!!  But I truly believe he is in bed with IPN..$$$$$$$

So my real question, does anyone know or have used an attorney to fight against his completely incorrect IME?  I don't need license help...that is secured, but I would like to take Sanchez to court (especially since I already have another IME that was completed correctly with no diagnosis nor any mention of IPN).  He has cost me that extra money as well as 9 months with the inability to work.  From what I understand this is his MO and has done to several others.  Any recommendation for an attorney to sue him would be greatly appreciated.  It would be considered a medical lawsuit but unique in the fact it is psychiatry and not "physical harm".  All the attorneys I have called want to know what body part I hurt.  Anyways...any referral or suggestion would be greatly appreciated!  Again, this has nothing to do with my license....just trying to right a wrong against someone who has sent too many people through IPN and the ordeals I have read about he has helped cause.  Thank you in advance!

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