Published Apr 29, 2011
26 Posts
Hello -
I am a 42 year old mother of 4, returning to school hopefully this October for RN. I am very nervous about starting back as well, but this is something I have wanted to do since I was very young, but life got in the way. I had a very good job for the past 10 years, and felt that I couldn't quit my job to go back to school...but had always said if I was laid off that is what I would do, well, I was let go on 3/25, so I got the ball immediately rolling to go back to school. My home situation is tough, as my husband is disabled, so I was the one carrying our insurance, and we have many health issues in the family, one son is a juvenile diabetic, my husband has several back issues, and I myself am recovering from major surgery from last February, where they removed my pancreas, and transplanted my islet cells into my liver. They also removed my spleen, and appendix, and shortened my colon. I am now a Type 1 diabetic and have several chronic pain issues related to all of this, but I am so determined to use these experiences to help me be the best nurse I can be, and to be that nurse who gets their patients through those types of medical issues. I had great medical care during all of this, and it was my GI nurse who got me the referral to the University of MN to have my surgery done, as she is also a patient of theirs. My doctor has signed off on my health release, and feels that all of my "unique" experiences, as she put it, will make me a good nurse. I am nervous about my stamina, but she said by the time I start clinicals I should be doing much better, and she feels that I can do this. I am so glad to have found this website, as it has been very informative.
I am so glad to have found a spot for nurses with disabilities, as I think this will help me get through what all lies ahead!
Thanks! :)
250 Posts
I understand. Good luck.
Thank you!:)
734 Posts
How are things going now?:)
I see a pain specialist for my chronic pain issues since the surgery. I have quite a bit of belly pain, and back pain, and they think it is nerve damage caused by the 3 years I was sick, and the 13 hour surgery. So I am working on that. I did have an injection 2 weeks ago that has helped the belly pain some, and he is trying to figure out what to do with my back pain. I do take pain pills as needed. The recovery for this type of surgery is a very long one, and some people say it takes a couple of years to finally start feeling like yourself. I am a little over a year out, and feel much better than I did, and would take this over the pancreatitis that was caused by gallstones. That is such a painful disease, and am so glad I do not have that nasty organ anymore!
86 Posts
From one chronic painer to another, I understand completely! Go for it and I wish you all of the luck and blessings in the world, Lisa
Thank you so much, I am very excited to start, and like my doctor has said, I will know what I can and cannot do, and need to make adjustments for that!