Published Aug 21, 2005
1 Post
i am a rn in south jersey. i have my interview in two weeks for admission into my anesthesia program. despite having lots of critical care experience and excellant letters of recomendation i'm nervous about the interview. I would like to know what other interviews have been like. If anyone has recently interviewed and you have a fresh memory of what questions were asked please let me know. Any info would be helpful.
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
:balloons: Hello and Welcome to :balloons:
Good luck with your interview. Maybe someone will come along now and help you with your question.
462 Posts
I would do a search on th forums. You will find a lot of info on interviews, as it has ben discussed ad nauseum.
173 Posts
None of my interviews ever consisted of one clinical question and I had three of them. They figured (I believe) If you didn't have the clinical background they wouldn't have interviewed you. Now there are posts on here about students getting grilled on hemodynamics at their interviews. Funny thing the school I accepted consisted of a 5-10 minute phone interview.
51 Posts
Where are you interviewing?