Interventions for denial


I'm a nursing student working on a care plan. My teacher really hates our nursing dx book and prefers that we use our own interventions. Since I have never really had experience with this before, I'm having trouble coming up with appropriate interventions. I wanted to see what kinds of things nurses actually do when their patient is showing denial about their medical dx. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Ah, denial is not just a river in Egypt!!

The only thing you can do is educate, ask for other disciplines to work with the patient, reinforce what a patient can do for themselves.

Best wishes!

Ineffective denial is a nursing diagnosis approved by NANDA.

Ineffective denial can be r/t inability to tolerate consequences of substance abuse or other; r/t long term self-destructive behavior and lifestyle; r/t feelings of evidenced by delay in seeking help; displays inappropriate affect.

I know I am a bit late but I hope this helps others

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

This thread ia 2 years old but it is always helpful to have a respectful dialog so we can help everyone learn

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