interested in working in canada


hi everyone, im a fresh graduate from Pakistan.i want to know abt getting job in canada as RN , rite now a have no exp behind me coz my result came last month now wait for the mark sheet to appear.Can i get home nursing job in canada without having crne and my current status.any agent or agencies who help overseas nurses to get jobs in canada plz help me in my case.thank u

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the International forum

At some stage you will be required to sit and pass CRNE to be able to work as a RN in Canada. Each province will have their own requirements and you will need to apply to that province and get eligibility to sit CRNE before a lot of employers will even look at you. All jobs adverts I have seen have stated either passed CRNE or have eligibility to sit it.

I would suggest you have a good read in this and the Canadian forum and also look at the CIC website at what route you can take. You can do this on your own without an agency but will require work and time from you to do your research.

I did elemntary school to high school in Ontario and i went to India to do college for practical nursing

but i dont know how do get a job here? and what i have to do to get a job ?

i hope you replay fast i am really desprate to know please and thank you :)

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

To Handk: Your post has been moved from the thread into which you posted as it was off-topic.

A quick reply isn't going to be worth much, because the process of moving to Canada as a practical nurse is lengthy, expensive and complicated. First you must have your educational credentials assessed by the College of Practical Nurses in the province where you want to move to ensure you can actually obtain a license. Then you have to write the Canadian Practical Nurse Exam. I doubt there is an employer anywhere here who will give you a job without your having gotten your license first. You can certainly apply for jobs, but without all the details taken care of, it's unlikely that employers would be interested in interviewing you. The various health regions in each province have websites that include career pages with online applications.

If you were planning to work in Canada why did you go to India to go to school?

Read some of the threads in this forum for more information. You can do a key word search in this section using the Google box on the right-hand side of the page.

BC might be a good choice for you. CLPNBC authorizes BCIT for credential assessment, ICES, and the process timeframe is reasonable for me which was within a month according to my personal experience. You can check detail here

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