Published Oct 31, 2005
4 Posts
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
hi! my sign on name is nursek05, i am very interested in forensics. i have decided to do the sane nursing, gain some experience and knowledge that way, go to a critical care unit and work for a year. then i plan on going to vanderbilt school of nursing, they have a np program in forensics.
:balloons: hello and welcome to the forensic nursing forum:balloons:
hope you enjoy the site here at you will really get great information.
forensic nursing is very intriguing. i am a medical legal consultant and have done an externship with a medical examiner. it really helped me with my business.
Hi, Siri, Thank You Very Welcoming Me To The Forensic Forum. I Am Very Excited About What Your Business Consist Of And Your Experience With An Medical Examiner.:)
Hi, nursek05,:balloons:
I am self-employed as a medical- legal nurse consultant. Incorporated this year. Doing the externship prepared me for the type of cases normally for my criminal litigations. I was able to see first hand just how forensic medicine is utilized. Rape cases, homicides, etc. I honestly can say I know what to expect and know what should be done prior to being transported to the morgue. It was most informative. I would like to do more work with the local examiner sometimes, but, right time.
Following a chain of command in some of these cases ..... you can find where "links" were broken.
64 Posts
Hello to every body. I'm new to this forum. Like someone else here, 'm very much interested in forensic nursing. Can anybody tell me the steps on how to be a forensic nurse? Is there a demand for a male nurse? Thanks
hello to every body. i'm new to this forum. like someone else here, 'm very much interested in forensic nursing. can anybody tell me the steps on how to be a forensic nurse? is there a demand for a male nurse? thanks
hello, shaider. great to have you in the forensic nursing forum.
have you checked out the other threads in this forum?
here are some links for education as a forensics nurse:
forensic nursing certificate kaplan programs found at www.allnursingschoolscom
as for male nurse? do you mean, you are a male and desire nursing as a career? or, you are a male and a nurse and desire forensics as a career??
hello, shaider. great to have you in the forensic nursing forum.have you checked out the other threads in this forum? here are some links for education as a forensics nurse: nursing certificate kaplan programs found at www.allnursingschoolscom as for male nurse? do you mean, you are a male and desire nursing as a career? or, you are a male and a nurse and desire forensics as a career??
yes , i am male and a nurse as well.with a desire to be a forensic nurse.thank you for the informations.
Yes , I am male and a nurse as well.With a desire to be a forensic nurse.Thank you for the informations.
I see. Well, I have not noticed a specification for either gender in the field. I don't think it makes any difference whatsoever.
It is a most interesting field, that's for certain. You will enjoy it, I think, shaider.
Thanks Siri..
2 Posts
Hi my name is Mario and I am in my last semester of nursing school (getting my BSN)... I am very interested in Forensic Nursing and have been in the process of trying to become one since high school... Recently, and actually today, I have been talking to different agencies and individuals regarding the field, and I am getting a little discouraged by some my research.
1) There appears to be no concrete way to actually become a Forensic Nurse... despite some of the few school who offer Masters of Nursing with a Forensic Nurse emphasis... I have found that the programs require SANE experience or license...
2) Some people have told me to get a Master while other contradict getting a Masters unless I waant to be an Advanced practioner (they feel the masters isnt necessary)
3)The last problem I have been running into, but is completely understandable, is my ability to work after going through all this training... I have been told by friends, social workers, and even some practicing nurses that a lot of victims female and male who have been sexually assault do not want to be examined by a male nurse and/or physician...
I would like to know what you all think about it...