Interested in Davenport University

U.S.A. Michigan


Hi Everyone,

I am very interested in Davenport University!

Can anyone give their feedback to me?

How competitive?

What is the likely hood of getting in?

Experiences with the faculty and staff?

Was Davenport worth it?

What type of GPA do you need to get in?

What is the application process like?

How is it ranked against other programs?

Why would or wouldn't you go there?

Thank you very much for your time, and if you guys can let me know that

would be awesome!

Take Care, persephone162

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

First of all, I want to apologize for my tone. It's bothered me since I wrote it. There is so much in front of me, in front of US, that I may not be as immediately receptive to any criticism however well intended. So, my reaction to your post had more to do with my own worries than with anything you said. In reality, I see now that your points were both considered and fair, but I'd like to clear up a couple things:

First of all, Davenport does already have a direct entry BSN program in place at GR and another campus, I believe, so I am hopeful that they know what they are doing.

Secondly, as regards the TEAS, if you'll look under program type, you should see that it is tuned to PN: Practical Nursing programs, which have an understandably lower floor than even a direct entry BSN program. I can only assume that this was done to save money.

On the legend sheet, you'll also notice the explanation for the program mean category:

The program mean is the average of the

adjusted individual scores of all test takers of

your program type (within a specified sample

from the ATI data pool) for this assessment

within a specified time.

So, for LPN programs, this represents the average score of all those of this program type, within a specified sample. It's not the lower limit set by Davenport, and I do not understand this to mean that the sample is even just the average of Davenport test takers, but rather that this number represents the actual mean scoring of a larger sample.

So, the national percentage tells you how well you did in relation to a national sample of test takers, and the program mean tells you what the average score is for people taking the test seeking entry into LPN programs.

Finally, I wish you the very best, and again, sorry for the sensitivity.

See you in school!

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