Published Dec 15, 2008
11 Posts
I am setting our inservice schedule for the new year. Aside from the state required inservices , does anyone have any ideas for intersting inservices. We schedule one a month. Thanks
achot chavi
980 Posts
For nurses, CNA's Volunteers? Who is this for?
I get ideas from In The Know CNA inservices ( I have no connection with them except as a customer )
In the Know, Inc.
5501 Fortunes Ridge Drive
Durham, North Carolina 27713
I also get ideas from Medscape :
But you can be creative- I find the best inservices were hands on and not just lectures.
Our biggies are: Pressure Sores- Prevention and Healing
Restraints- the moral dilemma,
Eating Difficulties- nutritional needs of the elderly, the diabetic, the pt with Kidney failure etc. ( I do this with our dietician)
Medication updates ( whats new, etc.
End of life issues- dealing with the dying pt.
Dealing with the difficult client- and their families
Communication skills
i could go on and on
I'll let others fill in
Have fun!
pielęgniarka, RN
490 Posts
I used to work with a creative education coordinator. She would arrange inservices where we would have to put tape over our fingertips to play cards and pick up various items so we knew what it was like to have a reduction in tactile sensation. Also had to put on eyeglasses that were smudged with vaseline to simulate glaucoma or just to see what it's like having dirty glasses that you were unable to clean yourself. Just basic ADL things that some might take for granted. Lately I've been to some good wound inservices or end of life care (hospice rep). We had an incontinence inservice and a rep came in wearing some of the products (briefs)! over clothing of course, and demo'd how to put them on herself, explained how to properly use them. We got a rep to come in and do a wound demonstration using light therapy that was interesting. Also, any inservice where there is free stuff gets good results & anything that includes auditory, visual and hands on interaction seems to stick in people's heads. Another interesting inservice is to find each other's Myer's Brigg personality style. Then all the styles can be posted or shared so they can all look up how to best communicate with other staff members superviors or peers to optimize work performance. I like inservices! Any opportunity to learn more is a good thing. Good luck!