inquiry re CES report and ielts...


hey guys, hope you can help me out..

do i need to pass the english exams first (ielts) before the cgfns works on my CES report? i am planning to take my ielts after i take and pass my nclex. but it seems that the cgfns needs the english proficiency documents.. :confused: (not so sure though)

can cgfns wait for my ietls results even after the due date they gave me for my documents?

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hey guys, hope you can help me out..

do i need to pass the english exams first (ielts) before the cgfns works on my CES report? i am planning to take my ielts after i take and pass my nclex. but it seems that the cgfns needs the english proficiency documents.. :confused: (not so sure though)

can cgfns wait for my ietls results even after the due date they gave me for my documents?

If you need language exam for CES then it doesn't matter when it is done to the NCLEX as CGFNS will not complete CES until they recieve all requirements. If they have given you a time frame to complete everything then you must complete everything before then.

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