Injured spectacularly...or not


Specializes in Pediatrics/Telemetry/Health and Wellness.


Allow me to introduce myself...

My name is Kristi. I have been a registered nurse for 17 years.  I recently injured myself so spectacularly that I cannot return to the bedside.  I have since started a medical writing business to replace my lost income from my job.  

I am unable to be on my feet for long periods of time. Jumping, except on a mini trampoline, and running are completely out of the equation at this point.

As a nurse writer, I am doing so much more sitting than I am accostomed to!

I am looking forward to any helpful tips or hints for exercise or healthy lifestyle from this group.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
8 hours ago, Kristi Van Winkle said:


Allow me to introduce myself...

My name is Kristi. I have been a registered nurse for 17 years.  I recently injured myself so spectacularly that I cannot return to the bedside.  I have since started a medical writing business to replace my lost income from my job.  

I am unable to be on my feet for long periods of time. Jumping, except on a mini trampoline, and running are completely out of the equation at this point.

As a nurse writer, I am doing so much more sitting than I am accostomed to!

I am looking forward to any helpful tips or hints for exercise or healthy lifestyle from this group.

I have some ideasfor you but I worked a 17 hour shift yesterday and have an 8 tomorrow so it will most likely be Saturday before I get back here. Would you mind sharing some of the details of your disability? If you prefer to do this privately you can PM me. 

Specializes in Pediatrics/Telemetry/Health and Wellness.

Thanks! I'd love to hear any suggestions you may have!

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
On 12/16/2021 at 5:58 PM, Kristi Van Winkle said:

Thanks! I'd love to hear any suggestions you may have!

Since about 2012 I I started to develope what can only be called Chronic Multisystem Immune Dysfunction (No a real disease I made up the name) which is made up of frequent acute gastrointestinal distress, Diabetes Insipidus, fibromyalgia and and chronic fatigue. I went to multiple doctors who often wrote it off as a psych problem or medseeking. I hated it and couldn't get anyone to really pay attention to what was going on and my quality of life just stagnated. 

I have been working at a program of diet, exercise and mindfulness that seems to help. While this has been working well I can't get too deeply into it as that would violate TOS in the form of medical advise.

I also caution anyone trying anything new without the guidence of a medical professional.

 I essentially added a bunch low acidic vegetables and fruit, Started with low impact  exersice and some ancient practices that promote a healthy mind/body balance

I do yoga and a lot of stretching. Supplement my diet with a blend of Chinese adaptogenic mushrooms, and low impact exercise (you can find  agreat number of workouts on Youtube) . I do eat meat as I just can't seem to give it up. I start and finish each day with a protien shake. 

Get to know the following spices as they are great for imflammation and are stongly featured in Eurasion, and asian diets. Ginger, Garlic, Tumeric, Cardamom, Black pepper, Ginseng, Green tea, Rosemary, Cinnamon. You can read about these on several websites bit try to stick to vetted verifiable sorces. If you go to a website that's trying to sell you something pause and think as you can easily buy individual ingredients in smaller quantities or even some premade blends that add a lot of zip to your diet without breaking the bank. 

If you would like me to share my shopping list I would be happy to do so!



Specializes in Pediatrics/Telemetry/Health and Wellness.
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