Initial nursing care of an acute asthma attack

Nursing Students Student Assist


Hi all, i require a little assistance with the initial assessment of a patient with acute asthma

I am just a little confused with the nursing care i need to put it in order of clinical priority.

I realize i need to follow the ABCDEFG algorithm. Just i am not sure exactly what exactly should i administer oxygen therapy. Do i administer oxygen as soon as i have assessed his airway? and when do i start to give pharmacology medications such as nebulizing the patient? all help would be appreciated

thank you in advance

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

My guess would be meds first. 02 won't do much with closed airways.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

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Priority depends on each individual situation. It the person isn't breathing at all giving a neb will not help. Oxygen is important but without a patent airway O2 will not do any good.

YOu need to be a little more specific for us to know how best to help.

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