iv's and aeseptic technique

Specialties Infusion


I have a question concerning the use/maintenace of saline locks. As a new grad in my first job, I was told by my preceptor that using alcohol wipes to clean the iv port was unnecessary. She told me that research had shown that there was no increased infection by not using alcohol wipes. Does anyone know anything about this? Unless there is obvious comtamination/blood,etc. I have followed her advice and I want to make sure I am not making my patients vulnerable in any way.

I always wipe with alcohol, and I teach all my patients in Home care that they must wipe all surfaces before they enter. I don't know where she got that idea, but I don't agree. Always wipe, wipe, wipe!!! We don't want to take any chances for infection. An IV is a nice entrance for the germs!!! Go with your idea with the alcohol wipes. Good thinking!!! P.S does she have the same thought on hand washing????????

I have heard and read that alcohol wipes take about 10 minutes before the antiseptic action begins to occur, hence , ineffective.

All nurses I work with still use alcohol wipes pre injection. Except. for insulin administration


[it is the friction rubbing or an alcohol wipe that prevents the infection of the saline lock. THerefore, it is important to use an alcohol wipe rubbing it at the injection port on the lock.

As a new grad, it is important to remember to rely on your institutional policies and procedures to determine to proper technique.

You might also refer to INS ( Intravenous Nurses Society) Standards. Their web page is INS1.org. Good Luck!


what is the technique of introducing intravenous

Specializes in Infusion Nursing, Home Health Infusion.

She is absolutely incorrect. All caps to any venous Access DEVICE (VAD) must be scrubbed with vigorous friction whenever you break or make a connection to give medications,flush,or change tubing the injection cap or any add on devices. This is especially important to do with all types of Central lines. As a matter of fact, as of Jan,1 2010 a new national patient safety goal (NPSG) says " Use a standardized procedure to disinfect catheter hubs and injection ports before accessing them". Does 70% IPA (alcohol) work? Of course it does...if used properly.....you have to have a good method of application and sufficient contact time..we tell our nurses to scrub at least 10-15 really good scrubs..one little swipe across the top of the cap is worthless..you really need to do it well and with some friction. There are several new products on the market and in clinical trials that are saturated foam screw on caps ...they have 2 % Chlorhexadine mixed with 70% IPA....the latest research shows this to be more effective than either agent alone...the addition of the IPA increases the kill rate and drying time. So do not believe that nurse...that is not true and never was!!!!

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