Published Nov 14, 2008
18 Posts
I work in a 17 bed ICU. We are currently battling Central line, Foley and Vap infections. We are trying to come up with some ways to prevent and track these infections. Even if the line/foley is put in in another dept, We take the blame if the patient is in our unit. Anybody who knows good ways to prevent and track, I would love some help. Thanks to all.
3,779 Posts
Check out IHI for care bundles. Lots of ICUs are using their VAP & central line bundles with fantastic results. VAP has been virtually eliminated on many units as a direct result of using bundled protocols.
As for tracking- you may want to consider getting your infection control nurse involved in this, as well as your quality assurance nurse.
478 Posts
Thanks for putting that link in, the information on Care Bundles was exactly what I was looking for.
WalkieTalkie, RN
674 Posts
Our hospital requires that a form be filled out every time a central line is inserted (no matter on what floor). This form is included in the bundled kit for sterile procedures. This kit is required, and if someone does not use it, they get in serious trouble. The form is carbon ply and one copy stays in the patient's chart and the other goes to the Infectious Disease/Epidemiology (or whatever it's called) department.
Since we started using these bundles, we've cut down on our line infections, and it's easier to track them too.