Ineffective Airway Clearance


Hi, I'm a nursing student here in Ga. We have to complete a concept map on a patient.

My patient is a 48 yr old male who was in a vehicle accident who suffered head trauma. My number one diagnosis is ineffective airway clearance rt to ineffective coughing. I need some help on coming up with some measurable goals for him. I dont know if i would set a goal to get him to cough because the doctor couldnt get him to cough due to his paralysis. I'd really appreciate the help.Thanks.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

ineffective airway clearance rt inability to remove secretions as manifested by inefective cough

yes, with time and experience you will get better at this. looking again at the diagnosis you proposed i missed pointing out something to you last evening. the
inability to remove secretions
is merely a restatement of the definition of this nursing problem and, therefore, cannot be a related factor, or etiology, of it.

i understand that as a beginner at this it can be frustrating. this is nursing language combined with the nursing process and how you are being trained to think to do the job. trust me and other veterans of the profession that this is the way we want you to rationalize out these problems. when we get this person's secretions cleared, choking is off the table. this is only one nursing problem. there are 206 other ones.

Impaired Spontaneous Ventilation????????

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