(Industrial) Piercings and Nursing


Hello all! I am new to this forum and understand there are plenty of threads on this topic already, however I haven't found one specifically relating to an industrial piercing. I am an 18 year old male and most likely going to Hunter's nursing program in New York. I have no other piercings and have wanted this piercing for a long time, however I am trying to determine whether it will have a significantly negative impact on my potential career as a nurse. If anyone has experience or an opinion on this issue, please share! Thank you!

I had an industrial piercing through the first 2 years of a 4 year BSN program. I never had a problem for lecture classes but took it out before I stepped foot in a hospital in my school's scrubs.

You never know who is looking at you. Even in NYC hospitals, better safe than sorry. Get the piercing after you get a job and have it approved by your nurse manager if you still want it.

I don't miss my piercings!

I currently instruct clinical for two colleges. I can tell you that all nursing schools have uniform regulations. Most, if not all, will say something like, "one pierced earring stud per ear, centered on the earlobe."

As a clinical instructor, I would never allow that type of piercing or any other while in the hospital as a representitive of my school. Hospitals have similar uniform regulations--just depends on how well they are enforced by management.

Best advice--no piercing other than center of earlobe & no visible tattoos.

Specializes in Med/surg, Onc.

You can check with your school. I never had to remove my additional lobe, cartilage, or industrial piercings, my school required nothing to be hanging down and dangling off the ears and no facial piercings. I went to a well respected school with excellent clinicals, and my entire class was hired into jobs during or shortly after graduation.

This is never a one size fits all question. Check with the school that you will be attending before deciding.

I work in urgent care & just got an industrial piercing. They don't care, but it would've never flown for clinical.

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