individual emergency plan-home health



I am just reaching out to see what other home care nurses are filling out and leaving in the home to meet the COP for the emergency preparedness plan. In the COP it mentions a card? If you are using a card to leave with client what are you writing on it. Please advise. Thanks in advance.

Specializes in ambulant care.

- Allergie, - Anticoangulants, - infectious Diseases, - Pacemaker (a.s.o.), - Language, - Contact numbers (family & doctor), - handicaps ...

... Who continues ?

My agency has a one page form which lists diagnosis, allergies, emergency contact person, check boxes for insulin dependent, oxygen dependent, IV medications administered in the home, pacemaker, if they would require outside assistance (ambulance) to evacuate, how they ambulate (if w/c bound, etc), contact precautions in place, special diet required, if they have a generator available. We upload a copy into the medical record and leave a hard copy in the home.

Where I work they added a page into the patient information booklet that we provide on admission and we have to check off which level each patient is from the 4 different options based on the patients severity level and then explain it to the patient.

Specializes in Home Health.

We have a separate page that accompanies our admission orientation materials. It has blanks for emergency contact information, equipment needed, level of assistance/caregiving support needed, etc. We complete the form with the patient at SOC and transcribe the info into our EMR. We encourage patients to hang the forms on their refrigerator.

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