Published Jan 23, 2011
1,087 Posts
Just got accepted into nursing school... glad there's support for guys who are nurses and future hopefuls... was kind of nervous when it was nothing but females in the admissions test... any advice or caveats are more than welcome!!!!
116 Posts
Yeah.. Pwn them. Do nothing but excellence. Make it abundantly clear that you are not in school for the chicks.
180 Posts
now you get to show them how it is really done. go to it.
7 Posts
Good Luck to you! May all your future endeavors in nursing succeed....:-)
621 Posts
was kind of nervous when it was nothing but females in the admissions test
ha, you'll get over that quickly going to nursing school and becoming a nurse. i found nursing school to be very male friendly and it's the same with my nursing employers these days.
thanks guys... my wife is currently going to nursing school... i always wanted to go... but now that the opportunity has arrived i guess it's now or never!
32 Posts
Honestly, 1 up every one of those women in your program. Being 1 of 3 males in a 30+ nursing class, I had to show those women they weren't God. For some reason, many women in nursing have pompous attitudes and think they're better than everybody else.
15 Posts
Good job brotha!
119 Posts
Congrats man, I just found out I got accepted too.
2ndyearstudent, CNA
382 Posts
You don't really have to do that. Just be an awesome person in every facet. Contribute, help people out, have a good sense of humor. Listen. Ignore negativity and let it drop right off you. They will love you.
293 Posts
I think guys have higher chances to get accepted because a lot of hospital really need male nurses. I am waiting for this person to reply me because I need an application to fill out. She said she would let them know to review my application. If I get accepted, I will start as freshman.. if not, that's alright, I will just take A&P 1-2, chemistry, and microbiology in college while I wait to get accepted.
No guys got higher chances in my program. They scored you on your GPA in prereqs with weight toward the sciences and score on a pre-entrance exam.