Impaired Nursing


In january 2013 i was accused of being impaired at work. A recap of that day is that I called before my shift to inform them of the lack of sleep and the uncontrolled pain. I was informed that I would be placed on a team with a high acuity level. I have and had for a very long time FMLA. I could have called in with no adverse actions. But I was told that they were short staffed and encouraged to come in. At 2:00am I took 2 norco to try to sleep for an hour or two. I came in and while giving report on one of my 9 patients a doctor came by and gave me a verbal order. I did not place my call on hold, I made eye contact and shook my head at him. He decided to talk to my supervisor. I heard what he said and acknowledged his order with eye contact and shook my head. After calling report on 5 Patients and getting 3 or 4 new patients. my charting was behind. This was a usually practice in the ER to back chart on patients. My patients were assessed prioritizing their needs, and advancing per hospital protocol. At approx lunch time I was pulled in the glass office and was told that my actions suggested that I was impaired. I consented to a drug test and told them exactly would they would find. I tried to explain that I hadnt slept the night before and I took two norco 5 hours before my shift. Being on my medications for as long as I had and taking them only as prescribed I never get impaired. Well I got reported to the BON and under summary suspension. I obtained an attorney months ago and awaiting a hearing in front of the attorney general. the one thing that I didnt include is the fact that my manager, who suspended me for lack of communication between two CN. He suspended me for neglect of duty. But prior to these issues with this manager I went to the DON and HR regarding his unprofessional behavior; dating multiple new nurses, inappropiate touching and eventually stalking a new nurse and being terminated. Im not sure why he was not reported to the BON but somehow he secured a job as a DON at a small hospital. I am waiting for an hearing in front of the attorney but if anyone has gone through these steps, please advise on what to expect. Im a good nurse, never had a med error, always took good care of my patients and never had a complaint. I have many accomdations and letters from families thanking me for my great care. I find it hard to believe that 1 nurse can ruin your whole life. And why was he never turned into the BON for his sexual misconduct?

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.


I am so sorry you are going through this. I moved your thread to nurses/recovery there are many here who have dealt with this issue and the BON. It is good you got an attorney. Do you have ? If you do they will help offset the cost.

Remember the BON is not your friend. Why do you ahve to go in front of the Attorney General?

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