Immunization Requirements - Help!

U.S.A. Colorado


Does anyone have any ideas on how one could get ahold of their immunization records? I am 31. I attended public school here in Colorado (Kindergarten on up). Obviously, you can't attend public schools without having all of your shots! My pediatrician is dead. His office has long been closed. I have no idea on how to obtain "proof" of my immunizations. I have called Tri-County Health Dept. and they do not have such records. I am hoping when the schools open next week that maybe I can track down my records (although I haven't attended school in over 15 years!!

I really do not want to have to re-do all of these freakin' immunizations (especially with the co-pays I have to pay with my health insurance - not to mention the time off of work, the possible side effects of the shots, etc., etc.)

I highly doubt the public schools keep such records. The only shots I have on file with Kaiser are flu shots. This really sucks.

Anybody have any ideas? I hear it's very, very common for most older students (such as myself) to have to re-immunize because we cannot prove our shot record. Maybe I'm just being a baby and whining for no good reason, but I just find this a real bummer. If there is anyway to obtain old shot records, I would love to know about it!


you dont even want to get me started.....just keep it in Tennessee please.

It has been said that the less people know about something the stronger their opinions, so no, I don't want to get you started. But if you think people who choose not to vaccinate are limited to Tennessee, I'm afraid you are in for a major disappointment.

Specializes in NICU.

I don't want to start a flame war or anything, but I am genuinely curious about this. I mean, I have never even thought twice about immunizations for either myself or my children, but, like I said, I do know a lady who does not immunize her children. I don't worry about my children getting anything from children who are not immunized because my children are immunized against those things, so they should not contract the diseases. This has never been a concern to me. The only thing that concerns me is non-immunized children contracting deadly diseases because they don't have the immunities built up. Like I said, I don't want to start an argument, but I am always interested in learning other people's viewpoints as I like to think I have an open mind. So, if you don't think it will start an argument, I would be curious as to why you choose not to vaccinate your children? Honestly, I really am curious and I'm not trying to sound rude or argumentative (and I apologize if I do), I just would like to know so that I can understand the alternate viewpoint to my own as I meet more families who choose not to immunize. I promise I will not ask you to alter your own viewpoints as long as you promise the same. ;)

It has been said that the less people know about something the stronger their opinions, so no, I don't want to get you started. But if you think people who choose not to vaccinate are limited to Tennessee, I'm afraid you are in for a major disappointment.

I don't at all think it's limited to TN, and yes you can post in any forum you please...i just always thought the state forums were better left to the people of those states, or interested in moving there.

I have seen many times how un-immunized and underimmunized children (and adults) impact the state of colorado. No need to sugar coat or minimize the fact that you probably find my "strong" opinion to be ignorant.

I don't want to start a flame war or anything, but I am genuinely curious about this. I mean, I have never even thought twice about immunizations for either myself or my children, but, like I said, I do know a lady who does not immunize her children. I don't worry about my children getting anything from children who are not immunized because my children are immunized against those things, so they should not contract the diseases. This has never been a concern to me. The only thing that concerns me is non-immunized children contracting deadly diseases because they don't have the immunities built up. Like I said, I don't want to start an argument, but I am always interested in learning other people's viewpoints as I like to think I have an open mind. So, if you don't think it will start an argument, I would be curious as to why you choose not to vaccinate your children? Honestly, I really am curious and I'm not trying to sound rude or argumentative (and I apologize if I do), I just would like to know so that I can understand the alternate viewpoint to my own as I meet more families who choose not to immunize. I promise I will not ask you to alter your own viewpoints as long as you promise the same. ;)

I think that there is an issue with individual freedom versus responsibility to others involved in the decision.

An unimmunized child may get through life just fine, and not become ill. A strong immune system combined with a lower incidence of the disease (created from mass immunization) can keep a child from catching the disease. However, they could still have a mild form and/or harbor the pathogen with no harm to themselves, but with devastating effects to immunocompromised persons they may come in contact with.

Specializes in NICU.
However, they could still have a mild form and/or harbor the pathogen with no harm to themselves, but with devastating effects to immunocompromised persons they may come in contact with.

Ok, that's exactly what I worry about with unimmunized children. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being naieve. Thanks.

There is not evidence vaccines cure disease.

There is a lot of evidence vaccines can be harmful and/or deadly AEB the US government vaccine database.

Specializes in NICU.

Hmm. What about disease prevention? It makes sense that a vaccine wouldn't cure a disease that was already started, but what about preventing one from invading the body to begin with? I too read all the literature regarding side-effects, but the numbers are so small I figure you have a better chance of getting killed in a car-accident than having one of the side-effects. My kids have only ever shown mild fevers for a day or so after being vaccinated and I myself have only ever had a sore injection spot for a day or two. I wonder if it has to do with how good the immune system is to begin with from person-to-person. This is a rather interesting debate topic. :) What is your stance on preventing a disease rather than curing it? I am definitely intrigued by this topic.

Health records are kept as a part of the permanent school file for many years (I think maybe 60 years), so your high school should have your records. If you have a large school district, the central administration office probably has the file.

It's been a while since I have logged in here. Thanks for all of your suggestions on how I might find my shot records!

Unfortunately, I called the "records office" of the high school I attended (only attended up to 10th grade - went the GED route) They not only have no shot records - they have no record of me period! Very disturbing to me. :angryfire

I attended Englewood Schools from K through 10th Grade and they have absolutely no record of my existence. I can't believe that! :stone

Well, anyway - clinicals are not starting for me until next April 06 - so I have time to suck it up and get my shots all over again. Thanks again for all of your input!


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