immigration to US: is it possible without a sponsoring agency?

World International


Hello everyone...I am new to ALLnurses so please pardon me if i'm being redundant with all my inquiries. I've searched and read many posts but they dont suffice enough. You see I took and passed the NCLEX-RN at my own expense and is planning to do the same with the IELTS later these year. I have this fancy idea that I will finish half of the job and later search for an agency to help me with the rest, for instance application for the visa screen etc...this to save time waiting. Unfortunately I noticed that of all the agencies Ive contacted recently, none would want to sponsor me any time soon because of the retrogression. I am worried that my application will expire soon and I am still clueless on how to proceed. I am doubly worried that I chose California since I realized how tough it is to secure a license there mainly due to its special requirements such SSN (my main problem).

So my question- do I really need a sponsoring agency to help me with immigration? Or is it possible to make it on my own? I have very little idea on how things work...all I know is I want to live and work in the USA, whenever there is chance for me to do so. I have many quetions lining up but I dont want to sound like a big burden :D...its just that I'm pushed a little bit more to the desperate side already since my application to CABON is due to expire next year and I havent done much since I received the DCA letter. Silverdragon suggested that I apply to other states by endorsement I think its a great idea. But I want to know first, will I make it on my own??

thank you silverdragon!

I actually didn't understand the question. Is is possible to immigrate to the U.S. without a sponsor? No. It is possible to immigrate to the U.S. without a recruitment agency? Yes. It is likely? No.

A EB3 or H1B visa will need a sponsoring employer who will have to file a labor certification and a petition on your behalf. Due to new Philippine POEA regulations, direct hire employers are limited to 5-10 hires and must post a bond covering medical, wages, and repatriation. I doubt most hospitals would go through the hassle unless you were physically working in the facility for OPT after U.S. graduation, and even then they would still probably want you to go through a recruitment agency.

thank you nursepacific for clearing things out for me. I must admit i had misunderstood the whole thing right from the very beginning. stupid as it sounds, i was referring to the agency as my sponsor. Ive sent out emails to a few agencies and maybe wrote the same in some of my posts here, stating "sponsoring agencies" but none had actually corrected me until now LOL! Anyhow I have already learned from reading many posts and threads here and from word of mouth, that the chances of going to the USA under working or immigrant visa at present is unlikely. Recently I opted to just stay back and be content "keeping my files active" while I wait. But thank you so much for your input, it has enlightened me.

what is OPT by the way?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

OPT is Optional Practical Training

Optional Practical Training

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