immigration petition

World International


Hi! I am now waiting for my interview schedule but my problem is that my employer recently demanded that I should pass the NCLEX otherwise they will not issue a sponsorship paper for me to bring during my interview and would eventually revoke their sponsorship. I applied for NCLEX only this FEB and until now I haven't received my Letter of Eligibility from Ca BON. My fear is that my interview might be set 3rd quarter of this year. If ever they will revoke their sponsorship granting I did not pass the NCLEX and I choose to sign up with a new employer would this mean that I have to start processing my petition again from the very beginning or will my current petition remain applicable for my new sponsor?

Please help.

to daning: i dont have my nclex either when i got interviewed but my job offer states a pre and post nclex salary..they only ask for my visa screen and job offer...i got my visa!!

my eligibility from ca bon hasnt arrived yet..i applied last december 2005..

hope this helps..


thanks hael. our interview is on july 13. i know for a fact that it is not required in the consular interview. just wanted to clarify after someone mentioned here that it is now being asked by us embassy-manila.

so when are you leaving?

here's my personal take on your dilemma...

assuming that you're done with all requirements making the adoption legal, and now you're just waiting for the court order? pray that it comes out before your embassy interview.

i think you can go ahead with the filing of your own DS230, ahead of this child, since you can apply a legal dependent (file the DS230, pay the visa fee) at the embassy on the day of your actual interview. as long as you have all the legal documents supporting the adoption, of course.


good luck.

thank you..

can you apply to CA BON w/o a social security number? i will also be migrating to CA this year but i would like to go ahead and send in my application because of the 4-6 mos wait in processing the application. thanks

how often does the embassy post the schedule of interview in their website?

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