I'm scared and I need encouragement!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I took my A&P final exam last night and I didn't know a single answer. :cry: I need at least 21% to earn a "C" in the class and I'm freaking out. I have no confidence right now and I worry that I did worse than 21%. It was a 100 question test and I was uncertain even on the things that I studied. The questions were confusing and could have been written in a foreign language. I should have my grade sometime today or tomorrow but I don't think I can wait that long. Please send some encouragement my way. I had a "B" average going into this final and I don't want to retake this class. I'll be happy with a "C" at this point.


After I studied last night I had it down. I wasn't really having a problem, just more of an end of the semester issue I have with not wanting to study hard anymore. lol I'm pretty sure I did great/pretty good on that test... I hope I did! I'll know possibly within a few hours.

& Thank you ylwbtrfly! :D

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