Hello everyone
I feel so alone. It seems like every pre-nursing student in my class is so far ahead of me. I keep running into obstacles that push nursing school farther and farther away... I'm 3 semesters behind. The first semester, all the science classes were filled before I could register. The second semester, they decided to add another math class requirement. And now I just realized my dual credit high school courses only count for 2 credits apiece which means I won't have enough humanities or English credits so I'll have to take 2 extra classes! I have no science classes completed as a sophomore. My 2 year program has turned into a 3+ ugh... I'm just so discouraged...
I want so badly to be a nurse... It's all I ever think about. It seems so far away that at this point I feel like I'll never see graduation day... Has anyone else been in my shoes?
Thanks for reading my rant...