I'm lousy at describing wounds and skin assessments.

Nurses General Nursing


I've always felt pretty inept at describing skin assessments, and documenting wound care. Any help out there?

You need to be able to measure the wound and figure out if it tunnels underneath. Is there any drainage from the wound? Any odor? What color is the wound underneath? What color are the edges of the wound?

Location, location, location. And how to protect it so that it will heal. These are some of the major things to consider.

I always forget some of the terminology used. It just seems like some people have a natural knack for waxing eloquently about wounds. I always get writers block. Is there a good online source for terminology and examples of charting?

Specializes in Brain injury,vent,peds ,geriatrics,home.

Ohhhh,I used to be a wound care nurse.I miss it so much.I used to be really good at describing in medical terms,but since Ive been in another area of nursing,I feel Ive lost a lot of it.But I frequently use my old assessment books which i frequently use for new various situations

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