Published Oct 8, 2018
2 Posts
I recently started a job at a detox facility (mostly for alcohol wd). I have a question about the use of IM lorazepam in the event of a seizure triggered by withdrawal (not epileptic). The policy in place is causing confusion between the nursing supervisor and two charge nurses who do not get along and have different takes on what to do. If a client is having a seizure and becomes responsive before IM lorazepam is given, do you still give it? One nurse says yes and the others say no. The policy just says to give it and call EMS for hospital transport but doesnt go into whether the client becomes responsive. I am not talking status (more than one or one lasting greater than 5 minutes when you would give a second dose.) Just one un-witnessed seizure and the client responds before anything can be done. The policy is to transport no matter but do you give it? Now I dont trust either one - should I get them to clarify by the attending physician?
I know you cannot decipher the policy, just curious what the norm would be in other facilities.
iluvivt, BSN, RN
2,774 Posts
The fact remains....they had a seizure related to bc alcohol withdrawal Evidence is strongly in favor of the use of benzodiazepines to treat alcohol withdrawal states. They unequivocally reduce the risk of severe alcohol withdrawals like seizures .so it make sense to give it. I bet the order does not say if the patient becones responsive do not give the Lorazepam. The goal is to treat the patient and the underlying reason for the seizure give the dose.Doesn't that make sense?
angeloublue22, BSN, RN
255 Posts
I don't see why they wouldn't give it. But yes, if you feel conflicted, ask the physician for clarification.
Bscn-Med Surg
4 Posts
read up on Valium! educate yourslef,,,then apply to these characters. It calms the brain. Seizures are electrical storms in hte brain. Lorazepam is the generic name, I believe. Its an anti anxiety chemical.
Kat Mandu, BSN, RN
18 Posts
Diazepam is Valium. Lorazepam is Ativan. Both of the benzodiazepine family and both list their uses in part to seizure and anxiety disorders.