I'm very confused what people mean by their GPA

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


People always ask questions like "What was your GPA when you got accepted"

I only know only 2 types of GPA:

The overall GPA and pre-req GPA

Which one are people talking about?

Which GPA do the nursing programs use to prioritize the list for people to be accepted? It's very confusing... How do they prioritize people..?

It is unfortunate that everyone you speak to is not trained to know the correct answers...but you have to ask the specific dept. if you can...and then read the catalog and compare. It stinks sometimes. I know the two CC here both look at your complete gpa everything passed, failed or withdrawn. BUT the State universities do not.

Im glad you finally found someone who knew your answer.

I believe it depends on the school. Some look at your pre-req gpa and others look at overall. Check the requirements of the programs that you are applying to. All the best!![/quote']

EVERY SCHOOL IS DIFFERENT! Talk to advisers at each school to figure out what they want, no one school is the same.

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